where i can find a video music for my friendster...??

May 26, 2007 5:29pm CST
i'm newbie here.. and i want have a video music like the other...??? and what should i do..?? thx for your attention...
2 responses
@b_gryl (419)
• Philippines
11 Jun 07
Hi there! Try going to youtube.com and you could find there lots of different videos to choose from. If you want you could also search the web for some other video sites that provide codes which you will put to your profile. Just paste the code of the video to your media box and then your done!
@jlara_gtr34 (3491)
• Philippines
26 May 07
hello there. :) you can find some music at imeem.com.. :) that is where i get music and videos to put in my friendster profile and i really like its easy site navigation, its not complicated. :)