Would a relationship survive bankruptcy?

United States
May 27, 2007 11:27am CST
They say that love conquers all. But then let us be practical, how would you survive with just love? Love cannot provide you shelter, it cannot feed you too. Do you think that two people will remain happy and will a marriage last if there is a financial problem or even bankruptcy going on? I honestly doubt it. When it comes to a point that you are in debt, and you don't even have money for food, or even for your shelter, of course you will be so worried about all your problems that will always be in a worse mood. Given that the relationship between the couple will be affected tremendously as each one start blaming each other for how their lives have turned out to be. Do you think love can survive without the humans basic needs? Is there such love that is so great?
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13 responses
@Marchang (17)
• India
28 May 07
"LOVE" a word where there is no doubt, no fear, no hatred nor envy, jealousy never exist there! "LOVE" a word that binds two hearts together, filled with faith, hope and believe. TRUE LOVE never change with times. they neither blame for the things dat happens! Well! talking bout money.. is there something to do with Love? i dont believe that love will make people bankruptsy. there are many people who have been conqueres by while they were struggling through times. I've seen many in my life.. and i truely and strongly believe that true Love conquers all..!
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• Philippines
28 May 07
I believe in the power of love. I agree that love can't feed you. But I disagree that a relationship, more so marriage, would fail because of lack of money. If the couple really love each other, they would struggle together to get back on their feet and survive. Inevitably in the end, your husband will be all that's left to back you up in life.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
27 May 07
a very big yes, my dear!if both believes in one another and trust have been developed in the relationship then there will be a firmer foundation for this kind of crises.why can't a husband and wife live a productive life wherein if we are working in a corporate office where stress is up to the cieling people can still work on a grave crises.if each one has established their love for one another they will make ways, as a team , to make things work for them.maybe the best people you could ask are your parents and they will tell you a big yes.if you believe in each other's love and capability then everything can be worked on.capitalizing on each other's strengths and weaknesses, the more it would make the relationship stronger.
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@slaveeva (213)
• United States
27 May 07
If you have a relationship build on real love and not just infatuation, with other words a Love that is stable and mature it will survive any financial problems as well as the loss of your looks. Health problems, aging, stress and more. As well if you are already in love and you know you are heading in a bad spot, you owe it to each other to help out together. If all you want to do is point the finger at your partner and whine about what you suddenly no longer can have then you have no business calling it love. As far as food and shelter etc. That is when it is time to rethink you budget, needs and wants. Time to cut back (and yes you will hate it) and both work for a while if you don't already to it. But love can survive and in that case will actually drive you on to work harder for each other to make sure it is there.
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• Canada
28 May 07
Well they do say that money problems are the number one cause for divorce but then again there are people out there that have alot of money and they are still not happy with their lives.I think as human beings we are never going to be completely happy no matter what our situation is.I think that the people out there that are happy all the time no matter what are few and far between.
@mycore (1)
• Malaysia
28 May 07
Mayb love does exist in such a way . Where love is , nothing is impossible , am i wrong ? But for myself , I would try hard to earn as much money as I could just to provide my other half a good and comfort life and don't let her to suffer with me . I believe that is the best thing to give her other than romance and a true heart .
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
27 May 07
I think it may for a select few but not for me... Everytime we fight it is over money issues.... A good relationship should have good comunication with each other and not allow for this to happen, but in the circumstance of a freak accident in which loosing everything, they should be able to lean on each other and support one another without blaming the other and get through it.....
• United States
28 May 07
I think anything is possible in a relationship especially if both people are willing to work through the current problems. It all depends on how people deal with the stress of the situation, and the stress of the problem. If they truly care for eachother, financial difficulties, shouldn't hinder their love for each other or anything else. If they work hard and work to get through the problem, and work hard to stay close, despite all the problems I think any couple can survive anything. There are plenty of couples out there that are living in poverty but they are completely happy because they love each other and that's the most important part of their relationship.
• China
28 May 07
yes, i believe that the world is a real world,so does the practical society.Thus ,it seems like that a material basis is essential to both parties. Besides,in my real world,i keep good relationship with my girl more than three years,while there is never having financial crisis.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 May 07
I think that relationships can with stand financial burdens if the love is real. I do see it causing problems but without the basic necessities it would be rough to tough it out together.
• Philippines
28 May 07
when we say love conquers all..for me it doesnt mean by love alone...when you love you can do something or all you can to make your both happy...and these basic needs is included...do you think we can be happy living by just wealth alone?? losing our love ones...??? losing good attitude..??? what i mean by this is we live not by a single purpose, ofcoarse how can your love be more happier or you two are dying...we cant live by justing sitting beside each other and counting the stars in heaven...and i didnt hear someone saying i dont need anything other than love...??? saying love conquers all isnt saying it is just that i need...it means you can do anything for love...
• China
28 May 07
Love can survive or not depands what the two or one of the two think.If the love is true,the two can be very happy to get over the poverty.They may think they are the most happery couple in the world.In face the financial is also very important.But if they love each other truely they can fix it.Am I right?
• United States
28 May 07
As long as the two of you ar in love, nothing would matter. Well of course zero money in each one's wallet is kind of frustrating or whatever but the two of you could work as a team to get by and just be happy you still have each other to turn to at times when you have nothing left but each other. My guy and I often don't have cash but we just laugh at ourselves and try to find some "rackets" so we'll have something to do together.