Old is Gold... What of New?

@Mitraa (3184)
June 2, 2007 12:05pm CST
It is often said, "Old is gold." Because old things are of good, useful values always. An old advice or concept from an old person can impact a very high value on a person who regards it well. Old music and songs are ever sweet to all. But what of new? Which term we may use to evaluate and regard 'New'? Please discuss.
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3 responses
@anonymili (3138)
3 Jun 07
Old versus new - Old mode of transport next to the new mode of transport. Both have their merits, don't they?
Old is indeed gold but that's not to say new isn't good, I like the above posts which say "new is diamond". People who always hanker after the good old days and all things old are resistant to change and basically for our world to continue evolving we need to embrace change and new ideas and concepts. That's not to say we should blindly accept everything new but it does mean that people should keep an open mind and look at the pros and cons of both the old and new thing, whether it be music, films, even ideas:)
@Mitraa (3184)
• India
3 Jun 07
Yes Anon! We must always be open-minded to judge well and accept any new concept or product, without receiving them blindly or absent-mindedly. Old is always gold that lasts long but new is diamond that lasts short and becomes old as a law of Nature, to be termed as gold. Thanks for your response.
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@anonymili (3138)
27 Jun 08
Thanks for the BR on this one pal. I forgot to add that old friends are really valuable but we should make room for new friends to enrich our lives too :) Like the friends we make here...
@Kartik7 (15)
• India
16 Jul 07
Old is gold. In this aspect, I think that new is dew! As dew drops shine on leaves and flowers in the morning sunlight, so also new things are always attractive whether they may be very common or uncommon. So I may say, "Old is gold and new is dew." Thanks.
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@Mitraa (3184)
• India
1 Jul 08
Yes, really you have a very good vision! 'New is Dew' is really a lovely and attractive expression as dew drops are attractive on flowers at morning sunshine! Thanks for your well thought expression!
• India
2 Jun 07
Always New is the development or improved version of the old, Hence New is having the characteristics of the same old = New is also be called as gold. But we can say Old is Gold New is Diamond
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@Mitraa (3184)
• India
3 Jun 07
Yes, I agree with you about 'New is Diamond'. I think, 'New is Few'. Because Diamond is Few! Every New is a combination and reformation of many Old things in an improved version. Thanks.