My little girl just said, "Please!" for the first time.

United States
June 2, 2007 9:47pm CST
Teaching my little girl manners has been the toughest battle we've gone through so far. Except for the occasional tantrum. And, just a few minutes ago she came up to me and asked me to put her bead necklace together, and she said, "Please!" It was a happy mommy moment!
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6 responses
• United States
4 Jun 07
That's wonderful! I'm so glad you're taking the time and trouble to teach your kid good manners. I started with our little boy when he was 9 months old. I would teach him sign language and he was able to sign "please" and "thank you" before he was 1. He's 2 now and he can say the words...somewhat..."please" sounds more like "peas" LOL!! and he will do the sign at the same time.
@selina0625 (1379)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
When I become a parent for the first time, I really feel that I've changed a lot,I've become more in touch with my emotions. It seems that I feel so overly protective with my child and everything he does is a delight to me. And little milestones like your daugther saying "please" is already a big proof that you might be doing well as a parent. All we want for our kids is to raise them to be good men and women when they grow up. So congratualtions on your achievement.
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
wow thats cute . . from a very young age she knows a lot of manners hehe . . moments like that makes you real proud being a mom. I hope she grows up well and is successful with life :) good luck with the parenting . . how old is she by the way
@rtydata (80)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
That's so nice! :) I would probably have to wait for my daughter to grow up a little bit more but I remember my little bro when he said "Please" for the first time. We thought he was saying "Peace" until we figured it out later on. All the while, my Mother was thinking how he learned how to say "Peace" and how he knew what it meant. LOL. I'm happy that you're little one knows how to say it and knows the meaning of it.
@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Wow congratulations!!!!!!!! It is a great feeling isnt it when your child does something like this when you least exspect it and after you have tried so hard and thought it would never happen.
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
awwww i can tell how awesomme that feeling made u you feel!!! yeap teching a child the way they should grow is pretty much biblical and when they grow up they will not depart from it and also less trouble when dealing with them, training a child could be the toughest job on earth and i salute all moms and mother's to be...its just normal for a child to act stubbrorn or having tantrums its normal for ages 1-4 but when a child already understands its time to teach then essential things that would serve as a pillar for their growing up years...things and values and lessons that would aid them in their growing years...gudluck and Godbless..ill pray for you and your family :)