Im starting to hate my job, not good

United States
June 5, 2007 8:03am CST
anyone else in this position, if so what are you doing about it? I own my own company which is a one man show I started when I got layed off from my old job. But since times are changing things are slow, and there are too many people out there looking for this job. To meet my clients needs I think Im overworking myself so I dont lose my clients, but now Im getting headaches all the time and im tired, getting behind on household chores. Im so lost as to what to do. My friends say stick it out times will get better but what if I cant make it!?!
1 response
@youless (112223)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Jun 07
It is normal that sometimes we will feel tiring at work. I know having clients are important, but I still think you have to have your personal time. Working all the time is not good. You need the time to enjoy the life, relax and do something you like. After that, you will feel you are much more energetic at work. Try to balance the relax and work well.
• United States
5 Jun 07
thanks to you too, your comment is duly noted and thanks for the post!