How to get a great tan this summer

United States
June 5, 2007 5:09pm CST
With the risks involved in tanning today, there is no way to tan safely, but there are ways to tan relatively safely, and minimize the risks of sun exposure. There sun may be great and provide us with heat, but if you don't take the necessary precautions when tanning, then your increasing your chances of the following risks Skin caner aging painful sunburns If your tanning... Wear Sunscreen re-apply Do not use baby oil Do not get burned Cover up with a hat and glasses
2 responses
• United States
23 Jun 07
Those are pretty good tips. I'm a super pale person, and I'm all about tanning safely because my skin is so sensitive. Unfortunately though, three weeks ago I my brain just didn't turn on and I spent six hours outside without sunscreen. I'm STILL peeling from the burns. But yeah, its a common misconception that if you wear sunscreen you won't get a tan. I mean, I wear spf 30 and I still get a nice color, and people who are naturally tan can probably get away with wearing the lower numbers as long as they're safe about it.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Even if you are not out to tan, but if you are outside you should wear sunscreen. Make sure that you have it on your face also. I am a tanner~ I am the one you see outside putting the baby oil on, but I don't take the risk with my kids skin. They use at least 35 lotion and I reapply to them at least every 4 hours.