What if some one loves you?

June 7, 2007 3:31am CST
This person love's you with all of his heart but you already love someone,but the person you love does'nt loves you.What wil you do?
2 responses
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
It depends to the person who love me. So if I'll not like him even a bit, there is no way I'm going to accept him. I will still go for the one I really love.
• Pakistan
7 Jun 07
ya friend its happens X loves with y and y loves with z. z doesnot love with y. So at the end the there r two probabilities that either X will b successfull to guide the right way or Y will do what Y wants but there will b no happiness and condition 1 will b much successfull life. Here a question arise that what X have to do to impress or convence Y so X has to to do really hardwork and pray from God its tough but there will b success and also dont try to prove that Z is wrong bcoz Y is in love and if u ll against Z then Y will bcom against X. Hope the answere to the question thanx