Blog Money

June 10, 2007 9:05am CST
Hey all have any of you tried to make moeny from blogging??? if so can you tell me if its a good way to go. I have started a blog and have it listed with Blogvertise. Once my blog is approved they are supposed to send me assignments and I write about certain companies then they are put on my blog and I get paid to do this. So have you tried bloggin to make money and did you succeed or fail???
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2 responses
10 Jun 07
sorry its not very clear to me. can you write a bit more in steps ?
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Jun 07
Success here, I rake in between $200-500 per month off my blogs. I earned $100 off blogvertise and blogitive just last month. IM me if you'd like a list of other programs I earn money off of.
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• Canada
10 Jun 07
Oh wow yea I will add you as a friend and pm you Hugs