How long has it been?

June 11, 2007 10:43pm CST
How long has it been since you started a discussion at mylot?I know it would be around days or even hours since you started one but its been three weeks since i started a I know its a long time but i'm kinda of a passice member these days.I mostly respond to discussions.Its fun that way.So how about you?How long has it been?
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8 responses
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
i think it has been 2 weeks since i started a discussion! i have all the time but i cant think of a quality discussion right now that catch the interest of fellow mylotters! maybe this week an idea would just pop! ;)
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• India
13 Jun 07
i wish it does.
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@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I'm a lousy discussion starter. I am resolved never to start another discussion again unless it is on the scale equal to Dicken's "A Tale of Two Cities" ...
• India
12 Jun 07 too i guess.
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@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
20 Jun 07
The lasy time I started a discussion was ... 10min ago lol. I also mostly response to other discussion, but I post a new message at least once a week. There is week that I post a new one almost every day. I think it depends of my inspiration.
• India
21 Jun 07
I'm more of a responder too.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
13 Jun 07
Well, I just started one right before I responded to this one. It was about job interviews and how much I hate them... ha ha.. These days actually I've been starting a lot of discussions. There were times when like you I hadn't started on in weeks and weeks, but now what I do is throughout the day whenever I have an idea of a discussion I write it down and then when I log in I don't have to think about starting a discussion in front of the PC because I can go blank then. I just look at my ideas on the paper and just start one... So lately I haven't had a lot of time to make responses but still I get some out. Mostly I've been commenting on my own discussions... It's better because sometimes it takes me a long time to find a good discussion to respond to.
• India
13 Jun 07
yeah i've seen a lot of threads and i sure have fun responding to them. So you write them down is it? Thats actually a nice idea cuz that way you never forget it.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
14 Jun 07
Yeah, well, that's the only way I remember, you know it's like you're doing something and you think this would make a good discussion, but when you log in, you forget completely. Well, that's why I just jot down the idea in just a few words even, just so it doesn't slip my mind.. it's better, at least for me..
• India
14 Jun 07
it does sound like a good idea.
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@mayenskie (1307)
• Philippines
16 Jun 07
Its been months since i started my own discussion. I do not feel like making a new one. Right now, i feel like just responding to other discussions. Anyways, mylot has already a lot of discussions, and a lot of them are just the same topic. Besides, i rather make comments, my own discussions do not get as much responses as id like to anyways.
• India
18 Jun 07
yeah me too.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I've been busy since last Friday so it's been at least 3 days since I've even responded to a discussion. I'm finally back in my apartment and getting back to it.
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• India
12 Jun 07
Sorry to say this but the question was how long has it been since you started a discussion not responded to
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
Well until today it had been a few weeks since starting a thread. I've been distracted mainly and a little bored and uncreative with ideas. But I've had a good go today with answers and even managed to start a discussion. I'm not good at starting discussions on subjects that mean nothing so I had a break.
• India
16 Jun 07
lol. me too.that sounded cleaver though.
• United States
13 Jun 07
I started a discussion yesterday. If I think of a good discussion than I post it here. I don't start a discussion just to post one here to get money for it. It has to be a good quality subject for me to start a discussion up. But I come here every day to respond to discussions. I think it is fun and love the responding to discussions just as much as starting discussions.
• India
13 Jun 07