How many of you use an organizer?

Personal Digital Assistant - Helps keep track of your daily routines and manage time more efficiently..
June 13, 2007 12:18am CST
Whether it be palm organizers, diaries, or schedulers, how many of you actually keep track of your daily routines by using one of these organizers? Does it help you manage your time more efficiently? I actually have a one, but I never seem to be able to keep a proper schedule of my daily activities. So for those who do use one, how has it helped you in your time management?
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10 responses
@aaamm3003 (398)
• India
13 Jun 07
i dont have an organiser but ill love to have it ,instead of that i had a normal mobile phone in which i used to keep some data or else i write down on a piece of paper which also helped me a lot its easy and cheap
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
yeah, i used to use a piece of paper too but it only cluttered my bag.. and sometimes i'll tend to lose it.. i'm not very good in organizing as you can already guess.. =P
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
13 Jun 07
My head is my organiser. I remember appointments made. For cases when appointments are made way in advance, I put them into my handphone. To be sure my appointments do not crash, I will check my handphone when booking future appointments.
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
Neat! I wish I could be more like that~! But too bad I don't remember stuff as well as you do.. I guess that explains your avatar~! =P
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• United States
13 Jun 07
I have a Palm Z22 which is their smallest and cheapest organizer. I don't use it to manage my life but I do use it every day to read. I have the Bible and other books on it that I can read using eReader. It fits in my pocket so I can take it wherever. I personally can't see someone using it to organize their life more efficiently.
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
Cool~! I've never heard of an eReader before.. That's something new for me.. Thanks for sharing~! ;)
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@tala91285 (1074)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
I ususally just use my cellphone's calendar to write memos about the things that I have to do. Or the Post-Its software that I have installed in my laptop. I just write whatever I need to do there.. ^_^
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
Cool.. I used to use the cellphone's calender too, but didn't stick to that for long. I've never tried the Post-It's software though. Does it work for you? I think I'll use that myself.. thanks~!!
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@tala91285 (1074)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
Oh it does. It's very convenient because it's pasted on my desktop, under all windows that are open. They just stay there on your desktop and you can edit and delete them anytime ^_^
• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
Woww~! Thanks! I think I'll give that a try~!! =D
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@shan_ab (377)
• India
13 Jun 07
I also have an organizer, but never acutally uses it. When I first bought it, out of excitement was carrying it around and using it fro a few days, but after theat slowly stopped using it. Actually life doesn't look so complicated and busy to have a planner.
• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
LOL~! That's exactly what I did too~!! I jotted almost everything in there.. I think it lasted for a month! =P
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@shemah (840)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
i don't use it because i can't seem to follow it. lack of discipline maybe. But since i've been a housewife, i KNOW i don't need one.
• Malaysia
13 Jun 07
Well, maybe one day you will need one to mark your doctor's appointments, your kids' school schedules, when to pay the bills..stuff like that right? I think housewives need an organizer more than us students! hehe.. =P
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@yanjiaren (9031)
18 Jul 07
I haven't got one at the moment but it is a good thing and it is also a good job that you reminded me that that is one thing I will need in the very near future as I start wheeling and dealing lol because my brain is quite fried now and I can't store everything in my head can I lol?
@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
Hi, I always use an organizer. I have to in my job because I have soo many appointments. If I do not write it down and keep it in my organizer I am guaranteed to forget things. However, I understand what you mean because it took me a long time to be able to use it properly and consistently. It became more of a necessity than a choice. cheers,
@amyann16 (414)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I have a PDA that I got for work and absolutely love it. I just keep it in my purse and when I need to update my computer calendar I can plug it into my computer and it synchs up for me in no time. I enjoy having it because I can put all my work and personal committments into one place and not overbook things.
@yamskee (827)
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
i dont use electronic organizers. im more of a planner user. i got mine from starbucks.