Do you write Diary? Is it really bad to Read other's without permission?

@aliasad (1567)
June 16, 2007 7:46am CST
I am bit lazy to write the diary. I tried to do so but due to lack of time it remained pending. Even now I want to start the practice again. The motive behind the all is to have own experiences of life in black & white and whilst being spared read my own diary ;) I think this is good to enjoy the recollections, isn't it? On the other hand, this is really bad habit to read other's diary without the permission. I find one of my colleagues reading the diary of other just to have fun and this made me very disturbed as I termed it to exploit the privacy. How about you people? Have you tried to write diary? What sort of matter you prefer to narrate (if you don't mind to sahre)? How would you react if somebody reads your personal diary without your permission?
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39 responses
@zip3rul (171)
• Romania
17 Jun 07
I wouldnt like to start a diary cuz i'm a boy :)
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• United States
18 Jun 07
Men keep journals, too. It is a good way to discover your goals and plan ways to achieve them. It also helps to write down things you want to remember in your future. Many highly successful men keep journals.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
17 Jun 07
I like to write dairy. My first dairy was gifted by my father. And I feeled inspired to write dairy since then. I usually write my special memories in my diary. besides these I write poem in my diary I think it is the most preferable way to write dairy for me. Later I got few dairies from my friends & among them most were the girls & that is really true to say. Now a time I also feel lazy to write dairy like you. But still I write poem though it is not in regular basis but when I feel to write something only then I start to write. I think that is a better situation not making any boundness over our mind to write dairy regularly. I think this may keep the chance to damage the flow of our mind. No doubt, writing dairy is a good practice since no man do not know where he will reach! Now a days, after continuing with mylot, I am feeling more lazyness about writing dairy because post in mylot is also same to writing dairy. But there may something special that is not worthy to post on mylot. So writing dairy beside mylot will be really a better practice. You may try it again since you have a practice to write about dairy. Hope you will feel happy to write dairy any time as you wish. Yes there is a factor of privacy to read other's dairy. It is really not legal to read other's dairy without permition. Because one may have any secreet that may cause damage one's future. So one should keep aware looking to read others dairy.
@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
19 Jun 07
Hi Friend! Good to see that you write diary and poems therein. Thats very inspiring. Hmmm diaries from girl friends, this is your good friendship ;) hehehe Yes, surely I will try my level best to come up again with the practice. Thanks for your nice response.
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@rusty2rusty (6751)
• Defiance, Ohio
17 Jun 07
I write a blog but not a dairy. I have a nosey husband who will read it without permission. Ha ha. Some things i don't want him to read. I don't get to personnal on blog. In other words I don't write anything that I don't care if anyone else knows. Yes, I think it is really bad to read someones diary without persmission. Why? For starters it is really hard to tell how someone is actually feeling when they write words down. To many times people misunderstand or mis judge something and it gets knocked way out of porpotion. I beleive if someone reads someone diary without permission. Than there will be a trust issue.
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@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
18 Jun 07
It seems that you are the computer lady & due to privacy concern the use of computer is good. hmmm you hide from your husband means you have very very formal relations. hahaha just kidding. Thats okay! Everyone has the right to keep the privacy. Thanks for response.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
I've kept diaries on and off over the years. I find it handy just to jot down things that I've done or appointments I need to keep. It's great to be able to see when you planted that tree or when it was that your sister came to visit. I've written things on a more personal level as well when I've been crazy with frustration or despair. I hardly recognise myself when I go back and read these. As for reading another's diary, it's a fairly invasive thing to do but I understand that the temptation would be to great for some. On the other hand, if I were the mother of a young girl who was keeping her diary a secret, I would want to know what was in it. I think it's necessary for parents to know what their children are up to.
@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
18 Jun 07
Hmmm yes, this is always good whilst being elevated one go throughs the old efforts made to achieve the same & jot down in diary. Thanks for response.
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@wolves69 (755)
• United States
16 Jun 07
The only time I tried to write a diary was for a college project. I never could get into it and didn't do too well with the project. I find myself too wrapped up with the current day events and writing them down doesn't help out much. However, I do write down past events, solutions, and problems. Looking back on an event, I have a better grasp of extenuating circumstances. I had the opportunity to read two people's diaries, but couldn't get myself to read anything in it. I did write a little note in one since I did like the girl.... I try to live a fairly open life without too many secrets, so if someone wanted to read my notes or ramblings it wouldn't bother me at all. I also don't say things behind another's back unless I either have told them face-to-face or wouldn't have a problem saying it face-to-face. Most of the events in my life have a humorous twist to the events and I try to find the light sided things in the trying times.
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@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
18 Jun 07
Hi Wolves! Well, getting the notes of past events is good, likewise the diary writing. You are good with quality of face-to-face interaction / communication. Yes, back biting is indeed bad thing. Of course this is one's sweet will to let others read the notes. Thanks for response.
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@rakhii (1302)
• India
17 Jun 07
I always wanted to write a diary but I am bit lazy about it and never gave it a chance. Diary is like a friend with whom you share your thoughts, problems, happiness and every other moment which you are unable to share with others. I think its bad to read someone's diary. We should never read someone's diary without permission.
@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
18 Jun 07
Yes, very right Rakhii! Diary is like a friend to whom one can share his/her thoughts knowing that it will allow you to share as much as one can. Thanks for response.
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@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
16 Jun 07
I don't keep a diary. I find no use for such an occupation. It is quite bad to read someone's diary without his/her permission, as a diary can contain a person's most intimate thoughts...
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
16 Jun 07
In the past I have kept a journal, which is much like a diary. I did not write in it every day, but I did write some about where I was going with my spiritual life, and what God was doing for me. I really enjoyed it when I found it some time later. It was a real blessing. No it is not right to read someone else's diary or journal without permission. If I were you, I would make sure that any diary I had was hidden, or put away, out of access of this friend or colleague, they are not trustworthy. Good luck in your writing I wish you well.
• Australia
16 Jun 07
Making a diary of my everyday life is a very noble thing to do. It can help you reminisce the things you've done in the past by reading them in the future. However, I have this little fear at the back of my mind saying what if somebody found my diary and read it? It is hard sometimes to have a print copy of your life because you never know who's gonna read them later. It will no longer a secret and people will know everything about you. That makes me scared.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I've kept a diary almost continuously since I was around 10 years old. I may not care if my kids came across my childhood diary & read that, they'd probably get a good chuckle out of it. But I'd be very mad if anyone was in my current diary or any from when I was an adult.
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• Malaysia
17 Jun 07
when i was small, i used to write a diary. at that time my parents liked to snoop around my things and i had to keep my diary someplace safe. i wouldn't want anybody to read my diary without permission! now i don't have a diary anymore, only online journal..which i rarely update due to the lack of time, only when i'm in the mood to write something or whenever something really exciting happens. that too, i don't really show it to the world because there are some things in my life that i'm not comfortable in letting other people know.. .
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• India
16 Jun 07
Well, i used to keep a diary long back. but even i was too lazy to write in it regularly n eventually forgot bout it. although now i wish i had been more consistent. it wud be so much fun to read bout urself. n i thinking readin someone else's diary is not a nice thing to do. u have to respect other ppl's privacy.
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
Yes, I've been writing my diary for ten years now. I want to record the things that are happening to me everyday. My deepest darkest secrets are all in there. I know that when i get older i'll be forgetting about the simple stuffs that i did before, so reading my diary will remind me somehow. For your next questions, its really bad. Just imagine, how would you feel if someone is googling over your diary and begun sharing the content with those people you dont really want to share your story with.
@fly_shay (333)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
Anything that you write in your diary should not be read by anybody unless you want them to read it.It's a very personal thing.In my diary, I just wrote there the things that happened to me on that day and my thoughts about it.
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@swatig (1183)
• India
22 Jun 07
I not write dairy as im not consistent, morever, i never think of writing a dairy. even i maintain my daily schedule. thats it. But Ive in mind to write a book on any topic by myself. Notknowing when this going to be happen. hope for the best. I also feel distrub when someone read my routine schedule. i think it is bad habit to read any other person dairy without his permission. this is similar to invading his privacy. i jst dnt knw hw i react if someone reads mine personal diary (which is not exist tody), but this much is sure that i not feel good.
@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
27 Jun 07
Hi! Book writing .... hmmmm this really reflects your passion of writing, something worth for reading others. I wish you all the best. Thanks for your nice input.
• India
17 Jun 07
Hey I have tried to write a diary before and am still having one..... Actually when I started off I was quite regular with everyday. But as time passed I too became quite lazzy like you bro. Not that I have stopped writing at all or something like that. I still write in when something is exceptionally good and I can't explain how good it is. Or sometimes when something are exceptionally bad and I cant share it with any one. Its kind of my life's scale. It sees the ups and the downs. And yes reading or even trying to read any one else's diary is a bad habbit. (But Not For Me) LOL Any ways Take Care May GOD Bless YOU
@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
19 Jun 07
Thanks for your nice input. Same blessings to you.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I used to journal a lot over the years. It was a way for me to explore my thoughts and feelings, define my problems and sometimes come up with solutions. Journals should be kept private if you are going to feel safe enough to write anything you want. If it is available to be read by others you begin to censor what you write and defeat your purpose. I find journaling to be very helpful in developing conversation with your inner self. I've learned a lot about my self that way. I would be very upset if someone read my journal without my permission.
• United States
18 Jun 07
When I was keeping a journal fairly frequently I'd take time at the first of the year to read through the past year and see what I can learn from that year. Sometimes I'd read through several years worth of journals to see if I was indeed developing as a person.
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@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
19 Jun 07
Very right and true. If anybody has access to your personal journal, it would really flop the very purpose of writing the journal. A diary is like the one, your inner, to whom you can share all those secrets of life that would otherwise remain in mind and then vanish, isn't it. Thanks for your nice words here. I wish you all the best.
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@ydnac22 (802)
• Philippines
25 Jun 07
Yes aliasad! I do have my diary when I was in college.It was written there all my ups and downs life story.Just feel relax if you carrying a heavy load and seems no one is around to lend you a helping hand.You're crying alone in your room and feel like you want to cry out all the pains you have in your heart.Best solution is to right a diary and write all the things you want,all your cries and hardfeelings. Anyway I really hate people taking away others privacy.A diary is supposed to be a private thing but why is it that few still love to read and play others emotion.Is it just being curious? I dont think so.They are just so harsh that they wanted to talk even private life of others.
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@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
27 Jun 07
Yes, I do agree that diary is the best friend to whom one can share all the feelings. Thanks for response and have a nice day there.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
Hello,aliasad,i have not written diary because I am too lazy doing it and i may not have something meaningful to write on it.I just do not want to record the weather,my mood and what happen everyday(which is like routine)on the diary. It is rude to read others' diaries without permissions as there may be some secrets in the diaries.People who write this may not want other people to know it. I think it would be very unhappy if someone read my diary without my permission,but i do not have this experience since i do not write diary.
@alpine_007 (1469)
• Pakistan
16 Jun 07
no, i don't write diary, since i don't think that it is very important because i remember asll the things in my mind rather than writing it to the diary
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