Would you touch a human skull?

@missak (3311)
June 16, 2007 7:43pm CST
Would you touch a human skull? Would you keep it in your home? Would you work with it looking at you? Do you think something of the person remains on the skull? Have you ever had a skull in your hands?
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28 responses
@kataztrophy (1836)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Odd questions. I would not keep a real skull as a paper weight, I have much cooler objects to hold my documents already.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
17 Jun 07
What about the other quetions? do you think something of the person remains there?
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@JanMags (724)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
I have a feeling that there is something left of a person in a skull. after all, someone did own that skull for some time. honestly, it would be creepy to hold a skull or have it around but i've always wanted to do that hamlet thing "alas horatio i knew you....." i think that's actually one of the things on my wish list..... weird but that's just me
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Jun 07
LOL I actually HAVE...My aunt was in Canada visiting from England and we were all talking on my moms patio and she (my aunt) hands me this pc of thing and asked me what I thought of it....I was looking at it checkin it out etc thinkin it was pretty cool etc LOL and she goes "did you knwo you are holding a pc of my skull?" LOL I was floored!! it was a little creepy once I found out what it was but it was still pretty cool...
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@smoke_gun (1243)
• Malaysia
17 Jun 07
hello,its iilegal keep a human skull in my country.i dare give a hold to skull,but i never try before,if animal skull,i did.i think except sciencetist or doctor who like to keeping human skull their mental should be some problems.dont tell me you are the skull collector,artist always have mental problem.lol
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
17 Jun 07
Actually I was thinking your skull will look nice at my desktop...
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@Galena (9110)
17 Jun 07
no problem. I have some sheep and ram skulls, a fox skull the best part of a whole badger skeleton. skulls are very beautiful things. I don't suppose a human skull would trouble me.
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@Galena (9110)
17 Jun 07
obviously it wouldn't. I only just remembered that I have handled a human skull. so if I forgot, then that shows how unconcerned I was by it. it was at dental nursing college.
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jun 07
yes and no. the soul itself is rarely that concerned with the shell when it goes. the skull I handled would have been left to science by its former occupant. so while I don't beleive that there's a bit of the person hanging around to see what happens to the bones, I do beleive that objects pick up echoes of the things that happen around it. psychometry is holding an object and reading it. usually done with jewellery, but I reckon a skull would have more vibrations left over than a ring, for example. I didn't really try and tap it though.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
17 Jun 07
What about the "remains of the person" question?
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I guess if I were teaching my children anatomy (my kids are home schooled) and I was able to get an actual skull for demonstration purposes (say from the local college or something) I'd have one in my home. But other than that I can't see any reason I'd have one in my home. I do not think anything of the person remains in it though. And I have never had a human skull in my hands.
4 people like this
• United States
18 Jun 07
I had to work with skulls for my anthropology classes. I felt weird handling them because a person's remains, to me, are somewhat sacred. I was offended at how other people were handling the skulls in a disrespectful way. I don't feel like anything of the person remains in the skull, but I feel that a person's bones should be respected because that person used to be alive and had loved ones that really cared about them.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
17 Jun 07
Well if possible ..YES..!! why not?? Its not much of a big deal. But living with a skull is not done..!! Not even a fale skull..!! Just not done. he he ..!! But for adventure I can touch or pick any skull unless its not wet or ..stuck with some left over flesh!! :P
• United States
18 Jun 07
The only reason I would touch a skull is because I am playing Hamlet.I think keeping a skull of an unknown person is disrespectful. I can see if you have the skull of a family member. But a stranger?No.
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@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I don't think I could touch it..I would be totally creeped out!! My sister-in-law is in medical school and she brought a skull home to study and my brother told her she needed to take it back to the school because he didn't like having it in their apartment...I have to agree I would feel weird having someone's skull in my house!! It does seem like something of the person would remain, not physically but maybe spiritually or whatever!
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I find human anatomy very interesting and I have handled a human skull and other bones in a class at school. I don't think any personality or spirit remains in any bones, however, now we know that some things do remain. DNA and other things like that can remain for a long time and tell us something about the person whose skull it is. I wouldn't want a skull in my home--not because of any fears, but it just doesn't fit my idea of decor.
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@falconx (221)
• Finland
14 Dec 08
Heh, I don't see anything mystical in some skull. After all it's just some minerals and stuff. I would certainly take on home if there were some for sale ;) I have never touched a real one, but a plastic one.
17 Jun 07
no way!!! one of the reasons i didn't go to the medicine school. human bones? in my hand??? aaaaa!!
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@happymom1 (1179)
• United States
17 Jun 07
No i dont think i will touch it because i am sacred of it. Maybe if it is part of my study in Science i think i will do it but if no reason no no no.
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• India
17 Jun 07
lol... my sister and father are doctors and we've had a human skull in our house since a long time.... earlier i used to be scared of it and used to chant hare krishna while it was lying near to me ... :-D but now it's ok
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
18 Jun 07
As much as I am fastinated by a human body, I don't think that I would keep a skull in my house. I would work with it looking at me and I would touch it as long as it's already been cleaned up.
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@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
18 Jun 07
Hey M, Q1:I don't think I could but probably would if I had to Q2:My son had a beaver skull that he & his grandfather found while hiking,he kept it for years but when we moved to our new home he decided he didn't want it any more. Q3:No Q4:Just the beaver skull +'s 2 U :D
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I have never handled a human skull. I think I could if I had to. I would not keep one in my home. They are, after all, part of someone's remains. Perhaps something of the person remains, a signature of some kind on a quantum level.
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• United States
17 Jun 07
Yes, I'd touch it, but I wouldn't keep it. I've never touched one, but I don't think any part of the person remains in it. The body is temporary housing only.
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
18 Jun 07
Hi missak. I have never seen a real life skull before. It would be interesting if to see one and actually touching it. I dont think I will be comfortable to work if it were looking at me.
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I wouldn't have a problem touching one or keeping one in the home, as long as it wasn't someone I know -- that would be a little creepy. I think that something of the person coul remain on the skull, but it's not very likely. I've touched a whole skeleton. One of my science teachers in school had a skeleton in the classroom that wasn't made of plastic. It was a genuine skeleton.
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