Will You Ask For The Permission?

@shinjiao (1457)
June 17, 2007 12:57am CST
Please suppose you're living in a dorm and one of your dormmate has a computer in the dorm.And the password of her computer is known by everyone in the dorm because your dormmate hope that her computer will help others.If you live in this dorm,and when you want to use her computer,will you ask for the permission? Me,I will ask for the permission no matter she is or not in the dorm.If she isn't in,I will send her a message and ask:"Can I use your permission?"I think it's a polite manner.So it's your turn.Will you ask for the permission if you want to use something of your dormmate?Please share your opinions.Thanks a lot.Everyone has a good day!
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10 responses
• United States
17 Jun 07
Yes, I wouldn't feel right just using her computer without asking her. I would call her if I had to, if she wasn't around...but I would get permission before using it. If I couldn't get hold of her, I would wait, and do something else. The only way I wouldn't keep asking for permission would be if she said, "you never have to ask my permission again..stop bothering me!" lol.
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@shinjiao (1457)
• China
18 Jun 07
Thanks for your responding LilyoftheThorns!I don't think someone will say "you never have to ask my permission again,stop bothering me!" because you're nice and polite. Have a good day!
@eprado (1467)
• Philippines
11 Aug 07
Definitely, I will ask for their permission before using their things. Its good to hear that you do to, its the right conduct and the right manner. I would expect someone else to ask permission before they use my stuff and so I do so before I used theirs.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
11 Aug 07
I agree with you.Especially when we live with others,such as live in a dorm with other girls,it is necessary for us asking permission.Asking is helpful and beneficial to keep a good relationship with others. Thanks for your sharing. Happy mylotting!
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Jul 07
I will definitely ask for her permission. first and foremost, the computer is hers and not mine. being her dormmate doesn't give me the right to use it without telling her first. you're right, its the way of being polite and also a way to show that we respect her and her things. ^__^
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
26 Jul 07
Hi,secretbear!I'm very glad to recieve your response.Thank you.Hope you have a sweet dream tonight.
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• Netherlands
26 Jun 07
Absolutely, because the computer isn't mine. Otherwise, you can ask to make for everybody their own access using their own password in the same computer. Because that's what I did, even at home...me, my husband and my daughter using the same computer. Of course they allowed to access mine as well, but we also made our own access + password so we all can have our own privacy and won't accidentally messing around with each other program nor data.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
26 Jul 07
apakabar2007,thanks for your response. I use my own password and ID when I using computer and of course my password and ID are "my own business",my parents don't know them.They respect my private right,and their respect makes me feel comfortable.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
17 Jun 07
Hello,shinjiao,as you said the computer belongs to her,whenevr i am going to use something which does not belong to me,i will ask for their permissions,the fact that the password of her computer is known by everyone does not change my decision.Who know,may be the owner of the computer just does not want me to use it,so it is always a good thing to ask for permission before using the stuff of the others.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
18 Jun 07
Hi,easy888! This situation happens in my dorm and one of my dorm she has a computer and all of us know her password.But if a we want to use her computer,we will ask for her permission.It's impolite to use somebody's items without permission.Although I think asking for permission is a trivial thing,but such a trivial thing can cause unnecessary conflict in the dorm. Thanks for your responding~Have a good day!
@alnilam (969)
• United States
26 Jul 07
I think it is rude that people just use it without asking. i mean have some decency people. well unless in case of emergency but that is another thing. i think people should ask for the permission. i always do.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
26 Jul 07
Hi,alnilam!Thanks for your responding. I don't like the person who use my items without asking.His/her action can make me uncomfortable.I think asking for the permission is a basic manner.But indeed,there are still someone who cannot achieve this standard. You are nice alnilam!Hope you have a great day!
@yanjiaren (9031)
12 Aug 07
Yes my friend, I would definitely ask permission as I think being good mannered is like being rich. I prefer to have good manners even though I may not have much else lol. You are absolutely right in wanting to keep this good level of communication open and share your good values with us.
• United States
17 Jun 07
I would never use someone elses property without asking permission first. It is not my property and I have no right to use it unless she is alright with me using it. That also is only common curtsey.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
18 Jun 07
Thanks for your responding,sunshinelady!Have a good day!
@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
2 Jul 12
Yes, I would still ask for her permission. Just because the password is common knowledge doesn't mean she may not have something on the computer at the moment that she doesn't want others to see. It is just polite to ask for others' permission before using their belongings. I hate it when people don't ask me first.
• India
2 Jul 12
Hi friend, surely i will ask the permission before using her system. It is not a good thing to use other persons thing without their permission. We must keep up the manners and ask permission before using other's thing, even though they are our best friend and close relation.