Don't you just hate it when....

Watching TV - I don't like spoilers~! It's the worst!
June 17, 2007 12:28pm CST
people spoil the ending of a movie for you? I don't know about you but I really hate being told what happens, unless of course I ask~! I've experienced this quite a few times with my friends. Sometimes, I'll be watching reruns of Prison Break or Desperate Housewives if I happened to miss it. Then a friend would just plop themselves on the couch next to me and go, "Oh, wait for the best part when...yada yada yada.." Fill in the blanks, you know how it goes.. It just annoys me to bits! How do you feel about spoilers?? Or are you the type that doesn't really matter if you know what's gonna happen next? Thanks for sharing~!;)
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6 responses
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
18 Jun 07
Yes, I really hate this too, I think it's rude and inconsiderate when people go and tell you what has happened. Then when you go and watch the episode or movie, you know what is going to happen.
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
19 Jun 07
Exactly~! I really have no idea why people do that~! Sometimes I just don't wanna watch it at all~! It's just no fun anymore..
1 person likes this
• Australia
19 Jun 07
Yes, I am the same, sometimes it just doesn't seem worth watching when you know what is going to happen.
@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
19 Jun 07
That's very annoying. I never like to know what will happen earlier. I remember when I was in the college, we watched the movie Schindler's List. And at that time a classmate continuously told what would happen in next part. It's quite boring. I stared at her but it seemed she wouldn't shut up anyway.
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• Malaysia
19 Jun 07
LOL~! Yeahh, these kinda people just never do get the hint! I think they're so amused that we don't know anything about it! My friend can't even get the hint when we tell her straight forwardly to just shut up and not say anything! She can't help it~! I just don't know why~!! Beats me~~!
@syndhujaa (252)
• India
20 Jun 07
i just hate it if someone breaks the susupense..i would tell them to shut their mouth and watch it has happened quiet a times with me..and everyone knows now that how much i hate if the suspense is broken..the total interest is lost..and i would not be interested to watch it..but still i will watch..but i wont watch it second or third time..:P
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
19 Jun 07
I don't mind if people tell me the ending of the movie and the gist of it. After I know about the movie, I would not watch it anymore unless it is really so exciting that I feel the need to watch it for myself. Often, by knowing the ending and the story, it helps me to save money. I get to know what it is about and at the same time save money. Why get annoyed? I welcome them.
@mari_skye (1637)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
I do hate spoilers too. I still want the suspense of not knowing what's going to happen even when these shows happen to be reruns.
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• Malaysia
19 Jun 07
I know, right?! Just because they've seen it doesn't mean they have to tell us about it~! Urghh..
@shemah (840)
• Malaysia
17 Jun 07
SHEMAH HATES IT!! lol! I finally watched the whole movie of "Legends of the Falls" EARLY this year. You remember what happened, right?? I can't seem to watch any movies or read any books which endings I've been told. I just can't. It would take me years to finally watch them, or I just wouldn't bother. Some people would find it odd, but yeah, I'm just weird that way. :)
• Malaysia
17 Jun 07
Well, it wouldn't take me years to finally watch it, but yeah..I get what you mean! It really spoils the entire excitement you have for the movie. I really don't know why people do that!