
@Chryssi (828)
United States
June 20, 2007 12:51pm CST
I've seen a lot of discussions on myLot about abortion.. And I've read the responses. I've even responded to a few of them, myself. Personally, I don't agree with abortion. Why should an innocent child suffer for their parent's mistakes? The way that I see it is that adoption agencies are there for a reason. If the mother and father feel that they can't properly provide for their child, they should give it up for adoption.. There are families who can't have children, even though they've tried and tried. It's ironic. These families can't have children, yet other people - some are teenagers - go out, get pregnant, then get rid of it with abortion. If the mother or child, or both could potentially die during birth, or if the mother has been raped.. Even though I don't exactly agree with the process, I can understand why abortion would take place. But if it is just to get rid of a "mistake" or so that parents don't have to take up their responsibility.. It's senseless and cruel, in my opinion. What about you? Do you agree with me or do you disagree? Why?
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4 responses
@xkristalx (230)
• United States
5 Jul 07
My ex had a tendancy to be abusive in all areas of our relationship and I ended up pregnant twice because of it. The first time I had an abortion. I still feel guilty about this. The second time I left the relationship. I was 19 without any family support and I couldn't work because I would bleed if I did any sort of activity. I placed my son for adoption. It was the hardest thing I have EVER done. I honestly felt like my soul was ripped out of me. I have a 9lb 7oz hole in my heart every day. Adoption is a very very hard route to go. I had to be pregnant for 9 months, I couldn't sign with an adoption agency until I was 5 months along so there were 4 months of uncertainty, joblessness, housing trouble, etc. Its not healthy for your child if for the first four months of your pregnancy you dont gain any weight and you eat a lot of potted meat and whatever else you can get donated to you from the food care center and given to you by friends. My friends that took care of me and if it hadn't been for them I wouldn't have eaten, I would have lived in my car. I was bleeding when standing when I was only a litle over a month along. It was terrifying. I was scared to take a shower, or go to the store because I would start bleeding. My doctor has told me that I will probably have another complicated pregnancy when I get pregnant again. I would have another abortion if presented with the two options again. And the thing is unless all women who can't provide for their children are strapped down and the baby ripped from them at birth the only thing that stopping abortions will ensure is that there are more abused neglected and abandoned children in the world. No 5 year old deserves to get fondled by her father while her mother is at work simply because her mother had no options when she was pregnant. Also in 2002 there were 129,000 children in foster care in the United States. Most people want to adopt an infant. Children who aren't placed when born can and sadly do spend their entire youth in foster care. adoption really doesnt stop the epidemic of unplanned for children
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
22 Jun 07
The idea that a woman experiencing an unwanted pregnancy somehow owes it to infertile couples to place a child in the adoption system is one of many PL arguments that just drives me batty. A pregnancy in & of itself requires a huge commitment on the woman's behalf- eating well, resting, avoiding stress, avoiding harmful substances, and dealing with all of the normal side effects & trials that come with pregnancy.To say that labor & birth is challenging, would be the biggest understatement ever uttered. It's unreasonable to think anyone owes that to anyone else. Choosing to terminate is taking responsibility for your actions. It's not a simple answer, or one that many come to lightly. But for those of us who do not feel a pregnancy is a child before a certain point of viability, choosing to end before that point is a reasonable choice for dealing with an unplanned pregnancy.It's not senseless or cruel, it's a medical procedure and thankfully still a legal one here.
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• United States
21 Jul 07
The passing of Roe vs Wade began an era of the "devaluing" of the human life and that deminished respect is reflected every where in today's society. Because it is so easy to eliminate our little "mistakes" women and men have lost self-respect for the reproductive systems, its purpose, and their bodies. There is a diminished level of intimacy between man and woman.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Oh I see- women's lives were full of "value" when they had no choice but to be raising children & tending a home. Not being allowed to vote, not being allowed to own property, in fact being considered the property of your father or husband; that was when we had real value & the proper balance between the sexes. When women fought & won the right to decide what happened to their bodies, that's when intimacy became threatened.
• United States
16 Dec 07
I disagree. It's not human to force a woman to have a child or gestate a pregnancy just because someone else can not have any. My uterus works, but it's not my job to provide an infant for a needy bigoted couple. There are millions of children in foster homes and orphanages all around the world that need homes. Why should they suffer because bigoted adoptive parents would only want to adopt a one day old perfect white infant?