do you like to walk?

@nill_07 (1104)
June 21, 2007 3:02pm CST
I like to walk a lot & always I enjoy walking. I like tp walk on my way & that is a great feelings.. I never want to inturrupt others & I also wish no inturrupt on my from others. Some times I push someone softly using my hand if someone make a inturruption on the way by himself illegally & start to walk as usual before!! Do you do like me on the way? Msotly, if I have sufficient time on my hand then i always prefer to walk like 1, 2, or 3 killomiter even sometimes more than that. Do you enjoy your walking? Please share your thought..
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40 responses
@rangics (1334)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
I do. It's a good exercise you know. ;)
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
i like walking to. it seems that these past few days it's a habit of mine. good thing about it is that i walk with my classmates when we go home. yes i walk home after my class most of the time. i learn to do that when my classmates asked me to eat dinner with them then after we walk home. its tiring but i consider it as an exercise too. what i enjoy the most is that the camaraderie. we talk a lot of my classmates with a lot and different things.
@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
Honestly, i dont like walking at all.It makes me feel so tired.But when i read some news and articles about walking,it really enlighten my mind that walking is the best exercise you can ever have.It is good for the health especially for the heart.Actually, i bring some extra clothes,because i am planning to have a walking exercise and jogging this afternoon before going home.I know, it will surely make me a lot of sweat and i am so excited now to do it.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
22 Jun 07
You will never feel tired if you take (observe/watch) walking as a interest even you may enjoy it.. Think it like.. You are a vahicle & your two legs are tire of your vachicle.. You need to control yourself softly/masterly & it is a matter of enjoy that you can control your self on the right way. You also may think like.. road is your friend & you may walk gossiping with the way.
• United States
22 Jun 07
I love to walk and I like to go on long walks. Also I'll walk to get somewhere. Usually the bus will take longer anyway. You get a good feeling while walking. Also I could walk with friends and just stay entertained forever.
• United States
22 Jun 07
I love to walk and I like to go on long walks. Also I'll walk to get somewhere. Usually the bus will take longer anyway. You get a good feeling while walking. Also I could walk with friends and just stay entertained forever.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
22 Jun 07
I love to walk myself. In fact, I have different walks for different moods. If I am with my wife and kid, then I like to stroll discussing on various topics. If I am angry, then I like to walk very fast without looking at anyone in particular. I like to walk my anger off!! When I have to reach a destination, I still walk quite fast, but then I usually am singing a song or humming a tune!! All in all I love walking and if possible I walk the small distances rather than use a car or a bike!! Cheers! Ram
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
22 Jun 07
You are absolutely like me.. You walk for different moods. Nice, you like to stroll discussion when you are with you wife & kid.. That is really nice.. that you walk fast when you are angry & you like to walk untill your anger off!!
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@ram_cv (16513)
• India
23 Jun 07
But there is one thing which I do not like when I am walking i.e. to have a walkman or anything in my ears. I like to walk naturally in loose fitting clothes and either walking shoes or slippers and nothing else to distract me :) Cheers! Ram
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I go for a walk everyday. I try to walk a couple of miles at a time. Sometimes a couple different times a day. Walking is so good for us.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
25 Jun 07
Really it is.. that walking is good for us.
• Pakistan
22 Jun 07
Well i dont like to walk i just do exercises to stay fit and like your saying that u push someone away softly well if i am walking and someone is in front of me i just take a side cut and continue my walk, pushing makes me feel like i m doing unfair to the other person who didnt interrupt with any reason.
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@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
22 Jun 07
Yea, walking is very good excercise! If one can walk daily at least 4 KM then it will be like 1 hour excercise!
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
22 Jun 07
This infromaton is new to me that 4km walk = 1 hour exercise.. that is well.
• Canada
22 Jun 07
I don't enjoy walking and pretty much only do this when I am mad and need some time to myself . Once in awhile in the summer I will take my girls for a walk because they like to walk to the park that is not that far down the road from where we live and it is nice to just get away for a couple of hours with them but I don't care to go for a walk myself .
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
22 Jun 07
You never need not to care to go for a walk by yourself. You may do it among you daily activities like.. you are goin to bye something & shop is just near or few far from your house then you may enjoy walking that time.. just it is a matter of realize nothing more..
@bigv4eva (36)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I love to walk too, if its in the mall, outside, or in a gym. It is great exercise and you can keep a good pace not like running.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
22 Jun 07
That is really nice that walking in a pace not like running..
@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
Walking is one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercises you can get and it is easy to do. I like it cause it works for you no matter what your fitness level. I usally walk for at least and hour when i go out for a walk and each time i challenge myself to cover more distance in that hour each time. They way i am increasing my physical shape to and it is not in such a stressful way to make you all sore like regular exercises. I find that walking is good for me when i am stressed i go out by myself and walk and think and when i get back home i feel alot better.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
22 Jun 07
That is good information that walking is best for cardiovascular exercise.. You do it to control your fitness level & you take it as a exercise..
• Australia
22 Jun 07
Yeah, all the time. Only just started though and it does feel great. I am in the middle of exams so every 10 or 15 mins of study i would just get up walk around the house, take a drink and come back and repeat the cycle. You feel so much freshing afterwards for so little work. Its amazing. You should do it too. For myself its the only excercise time i get for now so every little bit counts i guess.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
22 Jun 07
Yes this a special time for you & you need to invest it accurately. That is great you enjoy walking..
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I like to go for walks. My neighborhood is very friendly and there are usually people out walking in the evenings. We have big wide streets so there is plenty of room for us to walk without running into anyone else who is out walking. I usually can walk 1 mile, sometimes 2. I'm trying to get into a routine of walking everyday. It is supposed to be great exercise.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
21 Jun 07
That is nice you make walk as a exercise. It is your good luck that you have a good neighbour, wide streets... You make a routine for that & I think that will be well.
@ocalhoun (199)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I take occasional walks, but instead of brushing people off, I just get completely away from them. I take walks of up to 20 miles along the sides of roads, or through state parks. It is rare to meet even one person along the way. I'm a big fan of absolute solitude, you might say.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
21 Jun 07
That is well that you try to complete away from brussing people. Of course it is a good sign of your character..
@Paginer2 (156)
• Argentina
22 Jun 07
haha good question, really i like to walk, it distracts me, i like to listen music while i walk..realmente me gusta mucho caminar, es un buen medio para distraerse y hacer ejercicio a la vez.. see you my friend, good look
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
24 Jun 07
Be carefull about enjoying music on the way.. sometimes music may damage your concentration and that's why you face any problem for that.
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
22 Jun 07
Yes walking is a good execrise for me yea ... sometimes when i need to be alone , i would go for a walk yea
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@Mickie30 (2626)
21 Jun 07
The last walk I went on was 6 miles mainly up hill. I go for a long walk every month and walk a lot daily. I love to walk last time we went to Winter Hill it was very nice scenery. We go with a walking group from Church.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
21 Jun 07
The last walk made by myself along with one of my friend named sayem about 6 to 7 kilometer. And I really enjoyed it..
• United States
21 Jun 07
I love walking. I walk most everyday from the train station to my office as long as the weather is good. It's a few city blocks in San Francisco, probably around 1/2 a mile or so, but it's so worth it. Then I go for runs/walks after work. It really depends on my wife; if she's with me, we walk cause it's her pace. If she is not with me, then I will pick the pace up a bit. But I love walking... it's a great activity.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
21 Jun 07
It is good that you walk everyday from the train station to your office depending on the weather. It is also a great feelings walking Husband & Wife combinely. I think so far..
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
21 Jun 07
not really Im not that much of a fan of walking I find it very boring and I hate walking in around my neighborhood which is what I do because I want to loose some weight but when I do walk I listen to music and that deffintley helps makes walking a lot more entertaing and makes the time go bye fast.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
21 Jun 07
You may get nice feelings walking in a new places where nobody knows you... I also enjoy walking in a new place where nobody knows me.. It is really a great matter of consider when I need to reach soon on my destination then walking will be a activities like a fool.
@nejnej (148)
• United States
22 Jun 07
i like walking alot to. its evedent coz i hike all the time.
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@ashveen (301)
• France
22 Jun 07
oh yeah i walk vryday n i walk a lot..but i prefer 2 run!
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