Do you skip meals?

June 22, 2007 10:10am CST
i often skip meals especially breakfast or lunch cause i have many paperworks to work on and i go to office very early as well as noon or lunch time cause of the heavy works i will just eat crackers and...maybe i will take at 4 pm..or so.. and experts say that for you to be healthy the you should take breakfast cause if not you will look pale and unstable...and lunch too in this time heavy meals should be present... oh my gosh!!i always skip those meals!! are you too??why??jobs...pressured works..whoa!!
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6 responses
@gotcho0O (1257)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I'm so sad because I'm hungry hahaha. I haven't eat my breakfast nor lunch yet today. I miss my dad being here in the house because he's the only one who care so much about my meals. Yes, you're right about eating habits. The most important meal is breakfast while you have to it heavy at lunch.
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@gotcho0O (1257)
• United States
26 Jun 07
yes you are lol. at work :D. i used to be independent before because i didn't grew up with my parents. but i will. thanks.
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
yes, i am right, haha!!lol, why where did your dad go?, but maybe i just suppose that it is the time you have to arrange yourself, be more independent live on your own, be sure to take meals regularly, i am fixing my time to so i can have my meals on time, , thanks, good!!^^
@tracy1985 (654)
• China
22 Jun 07
I always skip my breakfast,because I prefer to sleep longer and get up later,hehe...maybe I am so lazy .I really know that the breakfast in more important than other two meals,and it is the beginning of the day,and it can support me lots of energy and I can do my work well,but I can not get up.hehe......
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• Philippines
23 Jun 07
my daughter is like she will get up late in the morning and my son is seemingly to follow his sister, he wake up late in the morning too, that was last vacation when we did have time with each other, so the breakfast is lunch ..or the combination, th e brunch...thanks, good!!^^
• United States
22 Jun 07
Sounds familiar. I often don't even remember to eat (that is when I feel like I can hold it down) until after 4pm. Busy-busy, sometimes you'll have that.
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• Philippines
23 Jun 07
yeah, i have that too, so i don't know where to start so i can fix this busy schedule, and so for me to eat in time, thanks, good!!^^
@crework (217)
• Pakistan
26 Jun 07
Nope! i dont skip my meals at many times,ya rare cases bare there but not much.yes some time the timing might change but no skip of meals na.
@abroji (3247)
• India
22 Jun 07
Skipping the meals is not a good habbit. It is better to take meals at the right time. Putting your stomach empty for a long time may cause acidity, and ulcer in the intestine. We take a light breakfast, a heavy lunch and a light dinner. Thank you.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
23 Jun 07
You are welcome rockingmom, all the best.
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
yeah, i know that too cause acidity will accumulate thus giving the person pain in the tummy area, as well as ulcer, i am trying to have the meals on time but i fail many times, and now i will try again , try and try until all are in time!!thanks, good!!^^
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@trk918 (254)
• United States
22 Jun 07
They do say it is not good to skip breakfast. I used to not eat until about 2pm everyday. I only ate one lare meal a day but now I eat all of the time & gained weight. Wish I could go back to not eating so much. No matter how hard I try I'm always hungry.
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• Philippines
23 Jun 07
oh, that's fine just have a regular exercise, this is my tip eat heavy lunch and no carbos at night..thanks..good!!^^