When was the last time you ate "BALUT" or "BALOT" ?

June 23, 2007 3:03am CST
To all of you out there, Filipinos or not, when was the last time you ate "balut" or "balot"? I love eating balot occasionally. The homemade vinegar that comes with the balot is the best than you regular vinegar. True enough, I am sometimes disgusted on the way it looks but I can't help it because I love eating it. I just don't like eating bigger chicks in the balot wherein the chicks got all hairy and bony already.
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6 responses
23 Jun 07
I read a discussion about this yesterday, and please excuse my ignorance when I say I don't know what 'balut' is... can tell me what is it? :o)
23 Jun 07
Wow, I think that is possibly the most exotic delicacy I have heard of! Unfortunately, for me this dish would have to be a no-no, I'm a very picky eater and get easily freaked out by fish even :o) I haven't eaten an egg in about ten years (because they scare me too LOL)... It's difficult having stigmas about food, because it can sometimes offend people, but I wish I was more adventurous with what I could eat. My dad travels to the Philippines often, to work, I will ask him if he has tried this, and if not I will recommend it - I think this is something which he would like! :o)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
i highly recommended it. for me people who travels to the philippines should at least try one because they're missing out a lot of this food. you can brag about it that you bravely eaten one in my opinion. hehehe
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23 Jun 07
hehe I can see that this is definitely something to brag about - my dad travels all over the world with his work (since he works in coinage with the Royal Mint), and everywhere he goes he tries unusual dishes - I think for him it is not only about accepting the culture, but also about being able to brag about it afterwards :p it's a shame food is so boring here in the UK!
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
i used to eat 'balot'. it's one of my favorites specially eaten at night time. the 16-day old egg is better than the older ones because the chick inside is still smaller and easily eaten. lately, i refrain from eating such delicacy because of my hypertension. we all know that 'balot' is very rich in fats and cholesterol and eating too much might be harmful to the body. surprisingly, my grand daughter who is 5 yrs old likes to eat both the 'balot' and 'penoy'. she likes even the chick and she eats it with pleasure. LOL.
• Philippines
27 Jun 07
yes you should refrain from eating balut. maybe you could eat occasionally hehehe. ever since i was a kid i already eat balut too. i grew up eating it as a midnight snack across our house before. i miss it it because the place we moved in do not have balut vendors nearby.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
Yes that is really true. It is really high in Cholesterol and what is worse is its the bad cholesterol that is in it. But honestly I love eating it when I was still young and my health was quite good. But now that I am feeling that pains of getting old I am starting to slow down on foods like this one. I just missed my younger body that seems so invulnerable and and eating was just easily digested and any excess are just thrown out of the body. Nowadays my body looks like there's plenty of excess fats remaining in my body than it used to be.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
Balot/balut, a fermented duck egg.. (for the sake of those people who are not familiar with the word!;) I try to eat one thrice a week, can be one or more, depends if they are frsehly cooked!;) If they're not, then I just buy atleast three and saute it with garlic, onion and vinegar. It's really rich in protein, but also high in cholesterol..
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
hmmm that's different... saute-ing the balot hehehe.
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
The last time I ate balut was last month. It was summer and my mom would come home late at night with balut every night. I love eating it especially with salt. And everytime we have a vacation in the province, we always eat balut... so every year I eat it.
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
i envy you. i haven't eaten balut in ages. i wish a balut vendor is nearby because i am actually craving for one. :)
• China
23 Jun 07
oh my gosh that is my favorite too but for two years i haven't eat because i stay here in china and i really miss it....really yummmy
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
too bad... hope you can have vacation in the philippines and eat balut again hehehe
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
Five months ago for sure...my husband and I used to eat balot now that my two kids love to eat balot, I just let tme eat for me...huhuhu
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
wow you must've miss balot :)