
June 23, 2007 8:11am CST
do u smoke?when do u smoke regularly?is it after taking food or before sleep?r u a chain-smoker or just smoke?why do we smoke though every cigarrette packet has the warning that "tobacco causes cancer"?I am trying to leave it forever,if u can do it now.
2 responses
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
i've never had the inclination to smoke. besides, i have asthma. whenever i smell even the faintest trace of smoke, i get difficulty in breathing. also when i was a kid, i remembered my grandfather who smoked everyday. he passed away when i was 12. cancer of the lungs. that was enough to put me off smoking. even with the peer pressure, i've never tried it. i never had a boyfriend who smoked either... so good for me. :) yes, if you can quit... better do so. nothing good ever come to smoking. :)
@student7 (1002)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I don't smoke. I find it is pretty sick. I live with a smoker and kissing him is like kissing an ashtray. He wants to quit, but it is a hard habit to break. Good luck on quitting.