can money buy love?

@fredgame (1260)
June 28, 2007 2:09am CST
I have observed this, a lady who married a man because he is rich and later realised that she truly has no real love for the man. For the man travels a lot and only sees the wife once in a month. Her friends tell her to just maintain the relationship for she has all she wants and she asked them what about the love that i lack and this does not give me happiness, how do i continue to maintain the marriage? If you were this lady what will you do?
5 responses
@youless (112195)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Jun 07
Money can't buy love, at least the true love. Sometimes money can let someone marry to you no matter who you are, as long as you have lots money. I have to accept that money is important. But it's not the most important for me. I will marry someone who is right for me. We should love each other and I don't care about whether he's rich or not. If he has a normal job and he isn't a criminal and that'll be fine.
@mschiqui (1284)
• Philippines
28 Jun 07
of course not!money can buy friends but not friendship, it may be can buy people but not love! If they think they had bought love from their money, then they are absolutely wrong,it is not real and true love that they are talking about.
@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
28 Jun 07
In this very materialistic world we are in, majority of the people if asked will sacrifice personal happiness in the altar of financial wealth. There are some who got lucky to get what they want -- only to realized that money is not everything. Money helps us find happiness but it is never the happiness itself we are looking for. I advice that woman to learn to manage money well maybe put up a business of her own so that later she could be independent and stand on her own feet -- and probably say goodbye to that rich guy later amicably.
@angela2006 (1845)
• China
28 Jun 07
of course is so important that without money we can not live.but love has nothing to do with money.maybe there are some people think money can buy anything,but I want to say,money can not buy love ,friendship and so on.
28 Jun 07
money is important in life but love is much more than anything, but at the same time bcos of distance doesn`t effect love beloved should be close to heart so for me it distance doesn`t matter.