Ever met someone that had to let you know how important they are?

@amyann16 (414)
United States
June 28, 2007 10:24pm CST
I have a couple people I work with, both at my work and at other agencies that we work with that constantly feel like they have to let you know how important they are. It drives me insane. They will find ways to fit in references to their importance, and a lot of times it totally didn't need to be mentioned or doesn't even fit in to the situation. For example, I was in a meeting today where this one gentleman would start every sentence he had to state with something like, "Well, I sit on the executive committee on the blah, blah board" or "I was just talking to the CEO of the blah blah company last week", or "I have several high ranking officials in the blah blah department who my close personal friends". Frankly, I think if you have to always point out how fabulously important you are, then you probably are not that important. Do you know people like this?
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