Where are the Pinoys here at myLot?

@tombiz (2036)
June 29, 2007 4:01am CST
I noticed of a small drop of discussions made by my fellow Pinoy members here at myLot. I miss the updates and debates on politics and developments all around the Philippines. Where are you guys? I guess there are some who choose to be inactive for a while here. Is this because of the e-gold thing? I understand that MOneybookers is also good in transferring funds direcctly to our local bank so that we don't have to route it to PGX anymore.
1 response
@zaccheo (74)
• Philippines
29 Jun 07
maybe it disheartened some.. like who wont be discouraged? but anwyay, there are still pinoys here that come back at the site just to post. ^^