I never thought

Me and My baby - thats right this is our first picture together
United States
July 1, 2007 11:29pm CST
I really had no intention of looking for my soul mate. Matter of fact after my last relationship I had all but given up. I had decided to focus on myself and my personal goals I had for my self. Then out of the blue a friend of mine tells me she is going to set me up. Of course my first reaction was more like "what the hell" after all i didn't want to be set up. But then i decided to ask with who and she said her ex husband. She had stated that he was a great guy they just didn't click. Not only that but she now has and has had a boyfriend for some time. So i started talking to her ex his name is ron. We talked for several weeks before deciding to meet. Our first meeting went very well and honestly since that one night we haven't spent a day or night apart. We have been together for some time now which has been great. But in the first week of our relationship actually the day after we first met my friend called me up (yes the same one that set me up) to tell me what a jerk he was and he wasn't any good when the night before we actually met she tried to bring him over and introduce us when we really didn't want to. Anyway i don't want to rag on her but jesus she just makes me so mad lol. There is more to the story and i will probably share in another blog. But the purpose of this one was to say that i have found the love of my life. Nothing and i mean nothing could tell me otherwise. I'm in love more than i have ever been in my whole life. I have found the man that i don't ever want to spend my life with out. OKay there i said it. I'm done have a great day!!!!!!
2 responses
@tholitz (1127)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
It's a little weird to find out that your friend had set-up you with her ex-husband, and when things are going great between the two of you, here she comes and telling you how bad is her ex-husband. Anyway, I wish you all the luck and hopefully you really have found the right guy for you. By the way, there's nothing wrong if you would also look into what your friend said, as far as we know she had lived with your guy.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jul 07
thats totally true. But why would she say done day what a great guy he was and then turn around the next and start saying all this bad stuff about him?
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
that was a very nice story. good luck to your love affair. and i hope that the guy is in love with you too.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jul 07
and the guy does love me too lol