
@shisid (104)
United States
July 3, 2007 7:50pm CST
how do you all deal with your husband's temper.sometimes my hubby gets angry without any particular reason and I don't know how to respond.I usually don't argue and keep quiet until he cools down,which is the best way for me.How do you all cope with it?
2 responses
@tantal25 (838)
• United States
4 Jul 07
that has never happened before. but when it will, i'll be confronting him and ask if he has any problem that he wanna share or the reason why his temper became high. i guess i will try to let him cool down by talking to him gently or being sweet to him.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Mine is the complete opposite and only once in our 6 years of marriage has he ever raised his voice. I on the other hand have raised my voice many times and he does exactly what you do, stays quiet and calm until I have cooled down and then approaches me to try and work it out :) Your way works for my husband :)