Other Activities You Do While MyLotting

@jAyTriXz (528)
July 3, 2007 11:50pm CST
What are other activities you are doing while you are actively participating here in myLot?
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14 responses
@aj2006 (1534)
• Philippines
5 Jul 07
I am encoding a document now,at the same time I take a look at myLot! :0 But most of the time.. I work first before taking a time in myLot, I surf the internet as well, most especially if my connection is slow.. :(
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
Thanks for posting! It's nice that you have been prioritizing other important matters than myLot because I think the real jobs that you are doing now are really the real jobs that you should prioritize. MyLot should just be your hobby because it only gives you little earnings for your great effort of actively posting in discussions.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
4 Jul 07
Ha I just spend my time thinkg about al the things I *should* be doing. For example I should be folding the washing and doing the dishes. But it's ok cos it's only 9.30 am here in Australia. I had an early start so I can afford to spend some time on mylot.
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
Thanks for posting! Almost all of the posts here are doing their household chores. It's really a good thing because you still find time doing the things that should be really done everyday even if you don't get paid while doing it.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
4 Jul 07
Without closing mylot site, I will be opening my email box, I will be looking into other money earning websites where I have very little work.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
4 Jul 07
You seem to be utilizing mylot for most of your requirement. That is really nice to know.
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
9 Jul 07
Thanks for posting again! I'm just really having fun here in myLot that's why I'm really trying my best everyday to post discussions or answer posts that people posted in them. Also, myLot obviously gives people the earnings that they deserve. I just hope that they'll never get broke so that they'll keep paying.
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@beaniegdi (1964)
4 Jul 07
Well as a woman I can seriously multi task so I am watching TV and I have a few tabs open with traffic exchanges and a couple of other forums and am doing a bit of everything.
@userkasep (110)
• Indonesia
4 Jul 07
chatting ... watch tv ... playing games ... and working my paper. :D bored wasn't it ?
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Playing games while myLotting? In your PC maybe but in a game console, I think it's hard because it's really hard to concentrate playing games while participating here in myLot. Even working your paper is also difficult to do because you cannot concentrate on what you're doing but if you manages to do them both, good for you! I just hope you won't write anything about myLot there in your paper..LOL!
@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
9 Jul 07
LOL! That's really a good excuse when myLotting! I bet your electricity is high because both your pc and game console are opened. I think that you should maximize your time more on your studies first so that you'll get good grades. Try studying and doing your assignments first then play or surf the net after. Just an advice! It's still up to you if you will follow me. Thanks for posting!
• Indonesia
5 Jul 07
it's game console, some times I have to wait my turn while my sister still paying it. better than saw my sister playing her boring game I sat on my pc and open mylot. about paper stuff some time it just an excuse hehehhe when my parent show up in my door while I sat in front of my pc they thought I'm working on my paper hahahha if just they walk in to my room an look at my pc monitor they will see MYLOT logo there hahahaaaa
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• United States
4 Jul 07
listening to music,that's all folks!
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
Thanks for posting! You may want to lengthen your post and be descriptive also to get credited for your post. I recognize your avatar. It's from the Animatrix film, World Record right? Welcome also to myLot! Hope you'll know that this kinds of post will not get you credited.
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@magnet (2087)
• United States
4 Jul 07
I watch TV and while doing my work from home job I'm here in between calls.
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• Canada
10 Jul 07
While I am on MyLot I have a number of windows open at the same time. I have a window up for gather.com, a window with my e-mail, I have an iTunes window up so I can listen to music, along with my calculator, incase I need it.
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@japboy (572)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 07
my other activities while i'm participating in mylot are visit Forums that i always surf everyday and check my email to see any good or bad news.I also listen to my favorite music from my favorite singer from JAPAN.
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
9 Jul 07
Thanks for posting japboy! I don't participate in some forums except when I really need some help regarding matters in my favorite sites that have forums. Also, I help others when they need my help in matters that I really know. This way, I feel good helping others.
@fredgame (1260)
• China
4 Jul 07
i check my mails and reply them whilst on mylot discussing the issues there too. also as my favourite is sports i go to ESPN to listen and read sport news and also check schedule for soccer. in fact this could explain why sometimes i don't post so many discussions.
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Thanks for posting fredgame! I also surf other sites in the internet while I'm busy posting here at myLot. Sometimes if I really get bored, I listen to music in my computer. My favorite sport is basketball that's why I can't relate with you regarding soccer.
@kyutstudph (1263)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
When I am at home I usually listens to music or watch television while on mylot. But when I am at work if I dont have much workload I do response to some discussions but if I am busy enough then I dont.
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Thanks for posting! I also do the same things like you do except that instead of work, I only do myLotting when I am at home. Sometimes, I also eat while I myLot but I'm very careful because drinks or food stuffs might get into my laptop.
• India
4 Jul 07
I open orkut and check scraps...If there is anybody on orkut then i chat with them...I check mails of yahoo,then chaat with freinds,and surf if getting bored...
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Thanks for posting paradise12! I haven't heard of orkut yet but I'll search for it. Sometimes, myLot gets a little boring espcecially of your earnings are earning so little.
@sudasre (141)
• Canada
4 Jul 07
I just check the top discussions, hot topics.
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
9 Jul 07
Thanks for posting! You may want to lengthen your post even longer so that you'll get some credits. This one liner text will never get paid by myLot because what they want are descriptive, sensible and log posts. I hope I helped you in some way.
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@puchapox (579)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Hello jAyTriXz! I am working and browsing through different websites while answering messages here.
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@puchapox (579)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Nature of my work? well u may say 'mobile entertainment.' LOL I don't know how to explain it except we answer messages from the cellphone. We have a very lax computer access and working environment. :)
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@jAyTriXz (528)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Thanks again for posting! I honestly don't know that kind of work that you do but I really appreciate sharing it to me. Good luck on your unique work! If you need any help from me regarding myLot, you can send me a message. If you have time, please also visit my website. The link can be seen in my profile here in myLot. Thanks again! God bless!