Point Gaurd, who? or small forward for miami heat

July 4, 2007 2:34pm CST
Which Point Gaurd should miami heat pursue. Latest news is Riley is going after Steve Blake. looks like good choice if signed under mid level exception. considering that free agent market has few starting point gaurds, he may demand more. Should Riley give in? Or can miami dream high of getting billups, looks out of way unless trade happens. considering miami's trade options, posey may have to be signed and traded for some good point gaurd or may be even small forward.
4 responses
@JoeDeath (142)
• Philippines
7 Jul 07
I say get a really good point guard like Iverson. find ways of making it on the salary cap and make the team a championship team again.
15 Jul 07
now that mo williams is gone. miami doesnt have much options other than trade.
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
i don't care whether his point guard or small forward all i know is he is superman and i admire him most..
@dalip32 (100)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Miami is kind of stuck because of the salary cap problems they are having. Blake is a decent choice because he is a true point. Mo Williams isn't really a point guard but has played the posistion the last three seasons for the Bucks, but I have my doubts that anyone can get him for the mid level exception. The same hold true for Billups. This leaves only a sign and trade, but who would give up a quality point of small forward for James Posey? Maybe you can get Earl Boykins for cheap. He's not really a point guard either but adds another scorer to take some of the pressure off of Shaq and Wade.
@dwyade (80)
• Philippines
8 Aug 07
i want boris diaw to wear a heat uniform! he can do great job, because he is a big man with great passing ability and at the same time he can grab boards too, and he is also a great defender of any position. he is a very versatile player. with both shaq and wade healthy, they can win another ring.