Action speaks...

Saudi Arabia
July 5, 2007 9:23am CST
Guys out there, how would you tell that you like a girl? Would you consider waiting for her in the bus stop just to see her again where you saw her the first time and pay her fare? Then what is the next step?
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6 responses
• Nigeria
5 Jul 07
it easy by the way you both relate and you will know
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@humbleme (1004)
• India
5 Jul 07
Hahahahaha hello snopkitty,if she/he has accepted the fare with a smilling face then the colour of the signal is GREEN. So the next step is proposing and letting know her/him the feelings about her/him, no hardwork needed only patience and right approach needed.It doesnt matter if you are a guy or a girl as there are no fixed rule written anywhere that only guys can propose first or have to make the first approach, its a myth.
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@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
Are girls open to respond on this discussion? Well, i can relate with the topic that's why. There's this guy I almost get bumped in when alighting to a jeepney and I smiled because of the situation is funny to me. Then, a few days later, the same guy appeared and again, we almost get bumped in. It din't cross to my mind if that was intentional or not. He paid for my fare, that was more surprising and then it started there. We are friends now and remain as that. I can sense, he likes me because he even invited me to go out for a dinner date. With that, I told him that I already have a boyfriend and keeps on telling him stories about how I love my bf. I guess, when the girl smiles does not always mean a go signal (disagreeing with one who replies on this discussion) There's exceptions. To smile may mean of "not being rude", being nice. Who could stop on the guy paying my fare when, I did not even anticipated it. Would I tell the driver to give back my fare? That's more rude, right? There are mean girls because there are fresh guys.
• Kottayam, India
5 Jul 07
go home and enjoy.
• Philippines
5 Jul 07
Hi snopkitty - first I would like to ask you if you're a male... your profile picture tells so but the username does not hehehe. Anyway if you happen to be a male, I want your own opinion to your question. I got interested with this discussion because I've been dying to know how guys act or what they do if they like a girl. I myself couldn't read what's going on with a guy and sometimes I end up mistaking him to have a crush on me (well he seemed so ggrrr) hehehe. I wish you'll get lots of replies from guys here. See yah. Blessings.
• Saudi Arabia
7 Jul 07
hehehe, i'm a guy of course.i don't know whats in my profile is because i am a newbie here. my gf introduced me to my lot. hope many would react on this discussion. thanks.
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@humbleme (1004)
• India
7 Jul 07
Hahaha Hello Snopkitty,so afteryour marriage if you become a father of a boy and if your wife names the boy Pamela Kitty, you will have no problem right???? relax joking you are a newbie,welcome to mylot and happy posting.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 07
Hi snopkitty, thanks for the best response... I still want your answer to your question though hehehe... blessings