Now that Paris Hilton~

@sharon_ (1169)
United States
July 5, 2007 11:17am CST
is out of prison,do you think that her next show might be titled "Simple Prison Life?" Do you think Paris was treated differently then the other prisoners during the time she was in prison? Please comment.
2 responses
@yuanchang (474)
• Philippines
5 Jul 07
of course the rich always gets a VIP treatment. talk about the lifestyles of the rich and the famous. it is really sad that in every part of this world there is a gap between the rich and the poor.
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@sharon_ (1169)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Isn't that the truth? Breaks my heart. Their are people(children)in ever country, who are starving,no medical care or even a home,but heres Paris and other vip's living it up!
• Philippines
6 Jul 07
yeah it's so sad that people make two different worlds out of one. nothing we can do about it for now. but always believe that life's a wheel.
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@skbh12 (2946)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
[b]haha! that would be a fun show i think seeing her clean the toilet and do whatever prisoners do but since i am not a paris hilton fan, you will not expect me to watch that show. haha! i freaking hate her! a bad influence to women now a days! sorry to paris hilton fans. i just don't really like her. happy mylotting and happy posting![/b]