Do u love Zinger Burger?

Zinger burger - yummy burger
July 6, 2007 3:20am CST
I am crazy about Zinger Burger, does anyone like Zinger Burger here?
5 responses
• Philippines
5 Jan 08
Yeah! I'd eat a pile of those continuously :)
• Ireland
7 Dec 07
OOOh that picture is tempting me to go and get one, this is my most favourite thing to eat ever lol, and now i sound like a fat kid..but... oh well :D
• United States
6 Jul 07
what is a Zinger burger? we have a KFC of course (someone above mentioned that's where they are sold?) but ive never heard of a Zinger anything. whats in it that makes it so good?
• Vietnam
6 Jul 07
It seems delicious. But in my country , KFC doesn't sell this meal .What a pity!
• Malaysia
17 Nov 07
omg are u kidding? i love it lolz especially zinger maxx. its better than the original zinger