Will Top Chef follow suit? How do you think they'd do it?

@wiccania (3360)
United States
July 11, 2007 1:23am CST
Ok Top Chef fans... I don't know how many of you are also following Hell's Kitchen or Next Food Network Star (which are also running right now), but here's an interesting question. Hell's Kitchen and Next Food Network Star have both had a military related challenge this season. On Hell's Kitchen they had to serve breakfast to hungry soldiers. The team that lost had to do KP (peeling and cutting pounds and pounds of onions and potatoes). Next Food Network Star competitors had to first spice up an MRE, then pair up and create classic comfort foods that soldiers who are deployed overseas miss the most. Do you think that at some point Top Chef will step into a military environment this season? If they did, what do you think the challenge would be? I think it would have to involve reinventing MREs or creating a new recipe/concept for an MRE.
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4 responses
@AmbiePam (86260)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I don't think Top Chef will do that. It would be nice for them to do it. Some of the chefs need to be reminded about what really matters. But they pride themselves on being 'upscale.' Personally, the military should be an honor to cook to. Perhaps their challenge would be creating a new twist on some of their staples. Like the much talked about slop. Well, they don't even have to make it pretty, just make it taste better! Although, I can't see many soldiers voluntarily eating tuna al dente, even in a slop.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Well, I know that in the first season they did something where they had to create microwavable meals (TV dinners, essentially). Which is why I could see them having to "invent" an MRE (Meals Ready to Eat). They're generally bland, nasty things with all the components in separate vacuseal pouches. A lot of sporting goods stores carry them if you'd like to give one a try, tho I don't recommend it; I got some a few years ago from a friend whose son is a Marine. After that the amount of snacks and foods he could prepare with just a microwave that I was sending him and his friends doubled after that. Having the chefs create something tasty, that meets the military nutritional requirements (I believe there's a specific number for fats, carbs and proteins in every MRE) and can be vacusealed then opened and reheated could be an interesting challenge. Or something where they're given an MRE and have to re-invent it to be better tasting and gourmet... that would be interesting as well.
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@AmbiePam (86260)
• United States
12 Jul 07
That is really interesting! And I'm glad you explained to me what an MRE is. : )
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
18 Jul 07
While I doubt that they would, it would be interesting. It would be a real challenge to create an eatable MRE. They were uneatable twenty-five years ago; they are still as tasty as cardboard today.
• United States
18 Jul 07
Well, it is only nutritional sound if you eat them. The problem with MREs is that troops would rather go hungry than to choke them down. There is a reason why MREs end up being sold in the military surplus stores, and why there last forever--no one wants to eat them. :P
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
19 Jul 07
And that's why I send my friends son as much stuff as I can for him and his buddies to enjoy.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Tasty as cardboard is a good way to put it! I have a friend whose son is a Marine. She had him get some MRE donations from his cohorts a few years ago and send them to me. I tried them... I was not impressed. They may be "nutritionally sound" according to the military, but they certainly aren't something I'd like to make a habit of eating.
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• United States
16 Jul 07
Probably not now but Might for next season.. I really like that they have made an effort to do something for the soldiers.
• United States
18 Jul 07
I don't think they will. I also think they are more into the fine dining aspect and more apt to find upscale restaurants or have the contestants thinking more in that direction. But it would be pretty interesting to see Chef Tom in a soldier outfit LOL
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
18 Jul 07
But they HAVE had elimination challenges on the show in the past where they had to create street food, microwavable meals and things like that. So creating a better tasting MRE isn't that far-fetched.