Do u cook or order from restaurant?

July 11, 2007 8:22am CST
If u have invitated your friends for dinner more than 3 families what would u like to do? & u dont have any helper 1] u will cook every thing by yourself? 2]Or u will order from the restaurant? 3]Or u will cook some at home & some u will order? I like to cook but for more than 3 families i would like to go for 3rd option. What would u like to do? Which option u like to choose?
7 responses
11 Jul 07
I`ll cook myself as I love to cook & server more over my food tastes also great. At my place guest comes often so I`m use to cook for more people
• United States
11 Jul 07
We have people over quite often, too. And I like to host Bridal Showers and other events, which involves cooking for many people.
@yaoyao918 (262)
• China
11 Jul 07
I like cooking.
1 person likes this
@2babita (1072)
• India
12 Jul 07
I will cook myself every thing whether it is 3 or 4 families.Because I love cooking.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I would cook myself. I can handle being in the kitchen by myself. Sometimes it is easier than having a helper, but of couse I have worked in the food industry for awhile. I feel it's all in the menu and the timing. If I were to have that many people at my house. I would not plan an elaborate menu, which would take a lot of time. I would also do a lot of prep work ahead of time.
@Sushicook (690)
• Sweden
11 Jul 07
I would cook myself. I used to work as a chef, so I'm able to cook for 50-60 people on my own. That way I can keep down the costs, and make something I know everyone will like. The food will also keep warm, and I will know exactly what's in it.
• Kuwait
11 Jul 07
wow thats good.Can u give me some recipes that u like.i am not so good at cooking i just started to learn cooking.If it is indian recipes then it will b more useful to me.can u?
11 Jul 07
great! even I`ll be happy if share some recipes with me.But I`ll prefer vegge well, I`m good cook though
• Sweden
11 Jul 07
I'd love to help out, but at the moment I'm all out of good recipes. XD These sites might help though, I use them all the time to plan my own meals. You can find recipes from all over the world there, vegetarian as well as meat and fish.
@truartiss (386)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I pick number 3. I would cook some things and order some things.
• United States
11 Jul 07
I would cook for myself. I enjoy cooking and baking. When I get to cook or bake it is like my "me-time", a time for me to have fun and enjoy preparing a meal.