acne dietry modification

@decent07 (232)
July 14, 2007 3:45pm CST
1-eliminate sugar 2-eat a high fiber diet eg fruit vegetable and wholle grain legume. acne clear very fast when fiber was increased in diet3-reduce consumption of fats and junk food4- avoid food high in transfatty acid eg milk and its products hydrogenated vegetable oil4-avoid fried food5-eliminate sod artifiscial sweetener 6- drink no more whole milk glass per day7- flolk remedie is drink 4 cups of cu cumber juice for seven days .8- use cleansing diet atleast twice a year. avoid food whioch cause allergy in some pople it cause acne problem
2 responses
@flashjet (54)
• Pakistan
30 Jul 07
Wow! From where did you get this prescription any way?
@decent07 (232)
• India
30 Jul 07
books name is JUCING FOR LIFE nd auther is cheire calbom and maureen keaane.
• Pakistan
1 Aug 07
I have not read the book you mentioned. Neither was I able to access it online. Though I did discover a lot of similarly titled books and even websites. I did not bother going through any of those, however. I can not therefore say if the excerpt for the (so called) acne treatment is actually from the book you claim to be, or even how accurately it has been duplicated in your post, but I can tell you for sure it is total crap; for it has no direct effect in the treatment of acne. I would like to advise you to please spend some time trying to understand at least the pathogenesis of your concerned disease before claiming to have discovered a treatment for it. Unless you want to sound like a "Folk Doctor".
@juline (77)
• Singapore
14 Aug 07
This is very helpful to me! I am experiencing acne now, and my dermatologist said it's caused by allergy. I have never had acne before, and suddenly I have acne now, and I'm past puberty (25 this year). I'm going to try what you said, thank you! :)