courtesy discriminated

@socorban (650)
United States
July 15, 2007 12:28am CST
Do you hold doors for people? If so are you discriminate about who you hold them for? Would you sooner hold a door for a woman than a man? AN elderly person or a teen? I hold doors open for most anyone given the chance, indisciminiatly, but i myself have noticed a pattern in some others. I have noticed when going places with a girl im good friends with ( shes highly attractive) If she walks first guys hold doors open for her, but if i walk first rarely do they do so for me. Of those men who rarely hold the door for me the vast majority are older men. I have also noticed more men hold doors open for others than women do, I dont speak for everyone ladies so im not being sexist just observing people in my area. I have noticed more "punk" style teens hold doors open than "preppy" teens or "homie g funk" teens Do you fall into this criteria or do you break the seemingly uniform mold of holding doors for others just becuase?
3 responses
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
15 Jul 07
I'll open the door for everyone. I don't discriminate people based on races, ages, etc. As long as people are good to me, I'll be good to them. Because I know that if you were in his/her shoes, would you like someone else to discriminate you? I believe in Karma. Perhaps, you don't feel it now but it'll turn back to you later on.
@mean_queen (1713)
• Malaysia
15 Jul 07
I hold doors for anyone. Maybe it's different for girls I guess. Guys can be pretty choosy who they hold the door for due to their ego. I'm just guessing here though. Correct me if I'm wrong. People don't hold doors for me that often and sometimes it does annoy me, especially when I've got my hands full. That's why I make it a point to hold doors for others.
• United States
15 Jul 07
I usually hold the door open for anyone that is coming in and out right around me. I am not one of those people that care what they look like or who they are, if they are there I'll hold it open for them. But I have noticed, like you, that certain people seem to only hold it open for certain people. Especially highly attractive ones.