Pub Visits.....

@Calais (10893)
July 21, 2007 4:01am CST
Do you go to the pub ? How often ? What do you do there ? Do sit at the bar, or table or play pool ? Play the pokies at all ? I have not been for a while but last time I did had a little flutter on the pokies..Didnt win of course, then sat out in the garden and listened to the band playing, it was very relaxing.
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16 responses
@pjanaway (247)
21 Jul 07
I go to the pub maybe once or twice a week. I normally just talk to random people, drink loads of Magner's cider, or some kind of spirit. I sit at a table. I'm normally with friends. I some times play pool, but most of the time I don't. Pubs are fun, but I prefer going to clubs and bars, they are usually more lively. :)
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
21 Jul 07
LOL...Pubs are probably more for us older ones....But they are what you make them...
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@pjanaway (247)
21 Jul 07
I can happily talk to older people, that doesn't bothered me, I do it all the time when I'm out. :) But at the end of the day I prefer somewhere where I can dance and act crazy. lol
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
Are you agreeing that I am old ???? ...LOL.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
I used to go the Pub once every week in my twenties & early thrities. I would go on a Friday after work, with my work friends. This is a very poluar custoom in Australia, and many overdo it. In my mid thirties I stopped, as I was pregnant. I never really got back into going to the Pub. Now I have three children. On rarte occassions my husbamnd & I will go to the Pub together. I almost never play the pokies.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
I dont go very often at all, but I dont mind putting $10 limit into the pokies.
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
29 Sep 07
i go to the pub about once or twice a month, usually for dinner or lunch and then put about $5 or $10 in the pokie machines . i dont drink or smoke. i go to pubs and clubs, but in our town but they arent big clubs or pubs
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
29 Sep 07
That sounds great, they have some nice meals...
@Modestah (11179)
• United States
19 Mar 08
nah, I have not been to the public house in many many years - probably not since my marriage. It just is not an atmosphere conducive to my life anymore.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
19 Mar 08
Ok, thats fair enough.
• Hong Kong
20 Sep 07
Yes I am a pub lover, but these days I don't go there as much. I love to catch up with friends there on Friday nights and drink a few cocktails and laugh about the nonsense happened at work! I think I will go to my favourite pub again with my buddies before I go on my long travel! It's very fun and I love the drinks *smiles*.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
20 Sep 07
That sounds wonderful and fun...
• United States
22 Jul 07
i do not go to pubs, sorry. I don't drink, except at home and really only a drink now and then. Like once a month or so, and its only a drink or two.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
Oh thats good, but you dont have to go there just to drink..
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• United States
22 Jul 07
we dont have what u call pubs..but we have that the same thing? im thinking it is..i rarely go out anymore since my son has been born..hes 5 and i thinbk i go out twice maybe 3 times a year..sad but true lol..but when we do go..i love to play not very good at it..but its just fun for me..and i meet many people i guess its an ice breaker lol..i also love to play darts..THAT im very good always a great time.and i always go with A friend or 4 so we may sit at the bar..or a table..i wish there was a bar that had a band outside..and to be able to sit in a garden sounds beautiful to me..and what is a Pokie? is it like gambling? ive never heard of it?? well take care!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
23 Jul 07
Yes, I presume that it is the same...I love pool too...A pokie is a Poker Machine or Slot Machine for gambling..
• United States
22 Jul 07
I used to go to the kareoke bars, but ever since my friends and I had a falling out, I have had no one to go with. It sucks!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
I have been a couple of times to karakoe, I didnt participate but it was very funny to watch.
@abahl88 (120)
• India
19 Sep 07
i dont go to pub's coz i dont drink...
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
19 Sep 07
LOL..You dont have to drink if you go there...
@mummymo (23706)
21 Jul 07
Calais my darling what are you trying to do to me! I would love to get to the pub and spend time with all my friends there but I haven't been , not even for a coffee with my bosses since before my surgery! Well unless I am working , in which case I would be behind the bar, I love to sit on the high stools at the bar and chat and before my back problems I loved to play pool as well! Och well hopefully I will be able to visit soon and maybe even get off the painkillers and have a drink - oh wouldn't that be wonderful! xxx
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
21 Jul 07
OH, dear, Im so sorry...I hope it happens for you soon...I used to love to go and shoot some pool, but we have our own pool table now, but its great to go and listen to the live bands also..
@youless (112223)
• Guangzhou, China
20 Sep 07
I seldom go to the pub because I am not interested in staying there. I don't like drinking and therefore the pub is less attractive for me. In the past I just went there a few times but I didn't find it interesting.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
20 Sep 07
Its not the place for everybody...
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I dont go very often. BUt when I do go I either sit at the bar and visit or go wonder around visiting OR I dance to the music playing. Unless it is a live band and then I just like to watch....LOL. I enjoy going to the Pub (bar)...but I dont get out very much at all!!!!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
23 Jul 07
Its very relaxing sometimes..I dont go alot either..
@Ken_Smith (240)
21 Jul 07
i go to pub and end with dizzy head with all the cider i take. i end up with flick to mans nose for being looking at me the wrong way. i try to no drink as much to wow the ladys to my groin area. i like pool and the throwing of the tiny spears.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
21 Jul 07
darts you must mean...That is fun, maybe you will woo woman with your skills...
@JBrulez (663)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
Its been a while since i've been there.. I really don't have much time nowadays.. But i did enjoy everything there and if i remember it right i met a girl there and we had some conversations and we became real close.. My point its not only the fun that pub offers, but you can also socialize with other people in pubs.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
21 Jul 07
Yes, its a wonderful place to socialize..
@deadlier (340)
• India
17 Oct 08
lol no pub here!! i just hav to drink cold drinks at home!!
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
17 Oct 08
Thats still
@ruby222 (4847)
27 Jul 08
We go to a pub ,once a week usually ,but its an eating house too ,so we tend to combine the two ,we eat and have a drink.Hubby used to love to play all of the pub games,pool and darts and skittles,but he doesnt bother nowadays.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
27 Jul 08
I always used to do that, grab a meal whilst there, it was great....Thanks