do you want to hear music while you are in mylot?

July 21, 2007 3:32pm CST
for me,when i connecting in mylot i always hear music while responce to any about you?
7 responses
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
22 Jul 07
Hi there. I like to listen to music while replying to posts as well as posting myself... Music is motivating for me when Im doing house work, here on mylot or driving my car...
• Philippines
22 Jul 07
no... so that i can concentrate in answering the question...........God bless
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I love jamming away while I am on mylot, although I cannot right now, my husband is watching tv in the same room. I sometimes get caught up in the music though and cannot even concentrate on what I am typing.
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
i always love to hear any kind of music except heavy metal while i am surfing the net. the sound won't make me asleep and my mind is always alert. i am more inspired to do a lot of things like writing discussions and posting topics to forums while listening to some wonderful sounds in the background. i feel i am full of ideas and can discuss more in details evry time i hear music.
@martinha (631)
• Portugal
21 Jul 07
I love to listen to music and usually I'm listening to music when I'm here on mylot. The fact is that sometimes I cannot concentrate because of the music but I prefer to be listening to it.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I usually watch my tv when im on my lot sometimes if there is a song that I just want to listen to then I would listen to it thats the beauty of having a labtop can post anywhere of course on my computer which is what I used before I got my labtop I use to listen to music all the time I just hate it when its silence for some reason so thats why I always listend to something.
@Sushicook (690)
• Sweden
21 Jul 07
I always listen to music while I'm online. It makes me feel better, and my responses here on MyLot are a lot more creative when I'm listening to music I like.