Have You Ever Met An Author in Real Life/Been To a Book Signing?

@urbangirl (1456)
July 22, 2007 5:49am CST
I have quite a few favourite authors but the only one I ever met when I just happened to be in a bookshop while a signing was happening. It was a great coincidence because I was looking for a children's book for a friend's kid and Andy Griffith (an Australian kid's author) was there signing his book "The Day my Bum Went Psycho". Needless to say, my choice of gift was decided for me. Have you ever met an author?
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42 responses
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
22 Jul 07
No I did not have the good luck yet, i always want to do it but never get a chance, I am glad that u have met ur favourite auther, may be one but u did it, i am waiting...
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@malijka (140)
• Poland
22 Jul 07
I have never met an author of any book ... what a pity because i would find few that i would really like to meet :)
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@patgalca (18209)
• Orangeville, Ontario
24 Jul 07
Since I joined my writing group, I have had the opportunity to meet several authors. I met one-on-one with two authors for critiquing... First Wayson Choy two years ago, and then Elizabeth Ruth this year. I went to a seminar by sci-fi writer Robert J. Sawyer and spoke to him personally. We had author Dale Hamilton give us a workshop in short story writing. And last fall we attended an Authors & Armchairs seminar as part of the Arts Festival. Four authors spoke about their new books. They answered questions from the audience and then sat out in the lobby selling their books and signing them afterwards. It is great to be able to be up close and personal with published authors, especially when you get positive feedback on your own writing. It is very motivating.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
24 Jul 07
I used to work in a bookshop so I've met quite a few and attended many book signings. My favourite meeting and signing was for a biography for Sir Peter Ustinov. There was a dinner held in his honour and afterwards he signed copies of the book. He was very tired by the end of the evening and I was worried he'd need to leave but he signed everyone's copies.
@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I've been at a book store that was having a book signing. So I saw the author and his books, but I didn't go up to him. Also, I was in a store once, and I ran ito a famous football coach who is also an author. But I didn't want to bother him so I just smiled and went on.
@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
22 Jul 07
How could I forget? I was also on jury duty with a children's author. : )
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@tuffy999 (794)
• Philippines
23 Jul 07
i have met several authors but the one that really made me feel good and proud is when i saw my name printed in the acknowledgement part of the book, you see i helped one of our local authors in his research, and the book was a bestseller. the one author i really want to meet is john grisham. he really knows how tell a story. have read all his books, and enjoyed all of them.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
23 Jul 07
I met a few authors at a poetry convention a few years back and there was a guy that I got talking to one night by the pool who turned out to be a self-help book writer. When I excuse myself to go upstairs for the evening, he followed suit. It so happened he was in the room across the hall from my mother and I. The next day he wrote me an inscription in one of his books he had wrote. David Knowles is the author, we keep in touch sometimes through emails and have become friends since.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
23 Jul 07
shh don't tell anyone, but not really, just great inspriation stories really. I have high self-esteem, and have yet to find a self help book that has maked it grow.
@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
23 Jul 07
That's a great story avonrep1. Have his books helped you?
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Yea actually I just met J.R Ward this past Jan....she did a special book signing cause a friend was visiting from Australia so my kids Aunt set it up (her and J.R know each other)....it was a lot of fun actually...And J.R is FABULOUS!!
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@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
22 Jul 07
oh I guess I should mention her books eh LOL...J.R Ward is the author of the Black Dagger Brotherhood vamp books...she also writes under the name Jessica Bird...
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@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
Oh JR Ward is a romance writer? For some reason romance literature has not really interested me though I have heard the genre has really moved on since the "Mills & Boons" bodice rippers from the 80's.
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Here's a summary of the BDB series from Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Dagger_Brotherhood dont let the whole each of the Brothers meeting chicks thing fool you...they are really great books filled with action, smut LOL, humour and so on...
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
22 Jul 07
I met Stephen King at a book singing. I was there with a friend, and when Mr. King saw my friend he got all excited and jumped up from the table and ran over to hug him: turns out their families were friends for years or something and my friend hadn't told me! Anyway, I got to talk to my idol for a while, which was very very neat, he read a poem I had written and gave me some advice about a story I was working on at the time. (I was really young then, maybe 12 or 13). Stephen King has been like practically a god for me since I was a little kid, because his books were one of the first things I started pulling off my father's shelves and teaching myself to read when I was a little girl, and we even have the same birthday (September 21). I also met George Ella Lyon at a young writer's conference type thing that I got to go to as a reward for winning a writing contest when I was in the sixth grade. We had to read a couple of her books for school before that, so I knew who she was, but I wasn't really excited about meeting her.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
22 Jul 07
Erm, it was definitely a book "signing" and not a book "singing". There was no singing involved. I am not responsible for any typing done before I had my coffee.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
13 Aug 07
I don't think I've ever been to a book signing but I have known authors personally and have their books signed by them. Actually, my daughter has self-published a successful cookbook and just sent another book to the publisher last week. So I'm related to an author! I've had articles and short stories and poetry published, but never yet a book.
@derek_a (10874)
22 Jul 07
Now that is a good title of a book! How does one's bum go psycho? I wonder.. LOL I have met quite a few authors come to think about it. But they weren't famous ones, they just had books published. They were the tutors on the writing courses I did with Cardiff Uni. I seems that many published authors turn to teaching. :-)
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@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
Hi derek_a, for insights into the book, just read my response to dfn12968's post....oh, and excuse my dyslexic finger typing!
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@derek_a (10874)
22 Jul 07
Well, all I can say is that some authors got amazing imaginations.. LOL. Derek
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Jul 07
This was years and years ago...I did this as a favor to my mom as she was a Luciano Pavarotti fan, and he was doing a book signing of the book he had written at Barnes and Noble...so not only did I get his autograph in his book but had taken some photos of him....have to scan them...they are black and white prints
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@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
23 Jul 07
Wow - Pavarotti - you are so lucky to have met him!
• United States
22 Jul 07
The only book signing I've ever been to was Bill Clinton's, when he released his autobiography. Actually, I didn't purchase the book or get it signed by him; the lines were way too long. However, my friend and I, who were both standing at the balcony of the Barnes & Noble where the signing was taking place, DID get to see him as he walked into the store and waved. We also took pictures. The entire bookstore was crowded. Generally I'm not too interested in book signings, since I don't regard writers as celebrities (and I'm not too crazy about idol worship when it comes to celebrities anyway).
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• Netherlands
22 Jul 07
Yes, I did. It is not so difficult to meet a writer. Every year there is a party in Rotterdam, it's called 'lezersfeest'. There you can meet writers and buy their books, signed or not. www.lezersfeest.nl for more information. If you like to meet writers.
• United States
23 Jul 07
Yes, I have met Stan Lee, Ed Brubaker, and many others. I am aspiring to become a writer like these people and so I go and meet these people every chance I get.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
26 Jul 07
As much as I love to read books, I never have gotten into the idea of meeting the person that wrote the book unless they really inspire me in someway.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
23 Jul 07
I see lots of authors because I live in an area with many, cool local bookstores. I must have meant at least 20 authors in my lifetime.
• United States
23 Jul 07
i got to meet Ray Bradbury back in 2002 or 2003. my friend Mark's father is the owner and proprieter of the #1 Irish mqagazine in Los Angeles. Since Ray Bradbury is Irish, Mark's father had connections with him. One night, Ray Bradbury had a couple short plays being featured at a small playhouse in Los Angeles and Mark asked me if i wanted to go. i was thrilled to go with him. Little did i know the author himself was going ot be there and i was going ot get to meet him! Mr. Bradbury was really sweet and humble. He asked my opinion on his plays and chatted with us for a little while. He asked me if i was an actress and when i said no, he said i looked lie an actress and that i should be one. Needless to say, this was incredibly flattering! When i got home that evening and told my mother i had met Ray Bradbury, she was EXTREMELY jealous.
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
23 Jul 07
Hello urbangirl!:-) I am a little confused as to what definition or more precisely what "type" of Author, I should be taking here. If it's about novels, stories, fiction etc then I haven't met any world known author so far, only a few local ones. They are famous though in locality and some circles. But if this definition include all those who have published something then I am glad to say that I have met many of them. In fact, I live between them and see them around all the day. I take tea with them, travel with them, regularly converse with them, share jokes, life experiences, personal experiences and talk about daily life with them. They are the people who are making difference in a common person's life behind the scenes. You must be thinking who they are, let me tell you that they are people of real sciences and publishers of great works in their fields, pioneers of some disciplines themselves. They are not some any science fiction writers, they provide for writers to fantasize by giving real science. They are world famous personalities and established publishers in academic circles. Just last month we had a conference here where scientists and engineers from four continents participated. I was one of the organizers and I had a chance to meet some great personalities, in person, in the field of sciences and engineering.
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@az03r4 (913)
• Indonesia
23 Jul 07
I've ever met an book's author before. but, i feel so so. because I'm not very interesting in his book all the way.. and I dunno what supposed to do..
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