Diabetes Tips Worth Sharing When You're Sick

@KrauseHome (36448)
United States
July 25, 2007 10:09pm CST
Even "normal" illnesses like colds and flu can cause special problems when you have diabetes. If you can't eat, or are vomiting, it may be hard to keep blood sugar up. Some illnesses interfere with the way insulin works. You may need insulin shots as well as your regular pills. Get an action plan from your diabetes team that tells you exactly what to do when you get sick. For example, you should know: Whether you will need insulin (or extra insulin); When to call the doctor; What soft food and drink you should have on hand in case you can't eat normally; What extra medicine you may need (for example, to settle your stomach). Some General Rules: Call the doctor if your blood sugar is over 240. Drink plenty of fluids. Drink at least one 8-ounce cup of water every hour (people with diabetes can get sick if they are dehydrated). If you can't eat, drink juice or regular (not diet) soda to keep your blood sugar up. If you can't keep anything down, suck on ice chips, then sip clear soda, such as regular ginger ale. Keep taking your medicine. Have someone look in on you or call you every few hours. Call the diabetes team if you have any questions, or if you start to feel worse.
6 responses
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
26 Jul 07
I'm not technically a diabetic. All blood tests come back normal unless I get the flu or some illness that really knocks me for a loop. Then I've had 40 and 200 readings. Normally, I'm between 90 and 100. Your list is good, but when I was at 40, an ambulance was called. They gave me cake frosting from a tube and every hour, my sugar would drop again. The headaches were unreal. My sugar was rollar-coasting up and down 60 points for about 2 days. So when on the lower end should an ambulance be called? Then the next time I was sick, it was high. The 200 reading. Weird, huh? But when I'm not ill, fasting is between 90 and 100.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
26 Jul 07
Sounds like you are what they consider Pre-Diabetic or one that could prone to being Diabetic when you get older. But Yes, since I am on Insulin anything for me under 70 is considered dangerous, but at 40 I would probably pass out before that. If I were you sounds like you need to keep a tab on your situation over time and when you notice large changes notify your doctor. And Yes, my sugar rises if I consume something that is Sweeter too like that also.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Thank you very, very much for best response, I appreciate it. I've gone back to working out. Type II usually stays away if we can keep working out. That's how my Uncle did it anyway. Hope you stay healthy, take care.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
26 Jul 07
Tiggyanne is needing these tips and I hope she contacts you. I told her of you and maybe you two could connect for her hubby's benefit. Thanks for these tips and you being diabetic makes it a sure thing to help someone that heeds these tips. Appreciate you reaching out.
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@GardenGerty (158219)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I think you have done a lot of people a good service today. One of my first Sunday's at my second job, my diabetic client had severe vomiting all day. I kept her blood sugar checked, and dealt with everything, but it is nice to have some first hand guidelines. Take care friend. I have a hard time with my client, she does not drink plain water well at all.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
26 Jul 07
This very useful information my friend. My aunt has diabetes she use to just take pills for it. But now she has to give herself and injection everday. I always worry about her. Its a very scary disease.
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@mdarma (868)
• Singapore
26 Jul 07
Hi KrauseHome, I am new diabetic patient about 3 months old. Your tip is on how to act, is valuable especially for new guys like me. Thanks a lot. Cheers
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@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
I was at blood sugar level of 193 before six months and thats the first time i find to be an diabetics by doctor. And he has put me now on diet and medicines as well, it has reduced 10 kgs out of me and i plan to have a check in weeks time. This message is very useful for me to keep checking. Can you say anyidea about my course for 193