Do you think every body lies on chats rooms like messenger?

@kc4144 (34)
August 2, 2007 7:18pm CST
Yes, every time I contact someone who I don´t know, I always get dissapointed because I`ve notice that they are liying... do you think every people lies, about themselves and if they do then why do they get into chat rooms??
6 responses
@kkittu (426)
• India
3 Aug 07
yes ! 99.9% peoples lies in vhat room , even they use teir fake name instead of real name and they lies everytthing......... peoples just want to pass the time and want to hane fun.....
@kc4144 (34)
• Mexico
6 Aug 07
Yea something like a place where dreaming is allowed
• Canada
3 Aug 07
I don't usually lie about things unless feel I might be targeted or by providing certain information, I am putting myself in danger. Chat rooms are for fun and I don't take them too seriously. It is more of a way to kill time for me.
@kc4144 (34)
• Mexico
6 Aug 07
Yea and if you are a writter you can find lot of inspiration there! ja!
@19ewf84 (461)
• Austria
3 Aug 07
I don't think everybody lies.. I usually don't lie.. I probably don't answer all the questions but that doesnt mean that I say anything which is just not true.. Some people have way to much time or think they have such a boring life that they start lying about it. And then there are some people who think they have to like they are someone else (like people who doesnt really exist or so..)
@kc4144 (34)
• Mexico
6 Aug 07
Yea maybe we don`t have to take èm seriously,, : )
• Netherlands
12 Aug 07
heey hi lol well let me tell u sweety if you got only one leg and you look with youre right eye in youre left pocket lmaoo what will you say to the nice lady thats talking to you in the chat room (and you dont whant her to leave ?) I think most people lie every body whants to be wanted u know nobody s wanna be not perfect but life is that way nobody is perfect thats my slogan .
• Pakistan
12 Aug 07
It is not only u who is facing this kind problem. It is a trend these days, making fun of others. I think chat rooms are meant to be build to exchange thoughts, customs and traditions. But u know what, it's the new generation. U know what, when ever I tried to chat to some one, every one seemed to chat with a girl. If I told that I'm not a girl, they used to went of. That is why everybody is lying. What do think?
• Mexico
12 Apr 08
of course yes only when you are chatting with people you know fisically you can be sure that you are really communicating but you know chat rooms are only for fun and spend time and sometimes find girls and have fun with them