Disciplining A Child

August 8, 2007 5:44am CST
What is the effective way of disciplining a child? Does it require spanking or just a heart to heart talk? Hope you can share your insights on how to go about this.... Thanks
3 responses
@kezabelle (2974)
23 Mar 08
I prefer to use time out, firstly to calm them down and to remove them from what ever it was they did wrong. Secondly to give me a breather so that when time is up I can talk to them properly and not in anger about what they did so they understand rather than just getting mummy shouting at them which IMO gets no one anywhere. I prefer not to smack them as again it truely gets you nowhere
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
thanks.... yeah i guess thats an effective way to discipline a child which is a lot more understandable for a child since he/she will be able to sort what is wrong from right...
• United States
8 Aug 07
I do not think spanking is an effective way of disciplining a child. I use time out and heart to heart talks. I also take items away for a period of time. Depending on what is going on. It depends really on how old the child is. I don't see anything wrong with tapping a 2 year olds hand if he goes to touch the stove or something like that. I just believe when you discipline with violence you will more than likely be teaching violence as a behavior.
• Malaysia
8 Aug 07
Hi yangjaz12, good idea of discussion from you, thank you. In gaining disciplinary teaching to your children, one from the many is language. Language is an intangible tool of communication, which is nature by made. Language is categorized into three(3); 1. text(thesaurus/vocabulary) 2. body 3. voice So take advantages of all these three with one's wisdom to produce very good ideas suitable to your children's disciplinary learning process. Not use only one(1) but the whole of three(3) to have an effective learning to your children.