Know of any sites like MoraTraffic?

@MGarcia (330)
United States
August 12, 2007 10:20pm CST
I came across Moratraffic a couple of weeks ago. It is a get paid site that pays very well for e-mails and also pays for chat, surveys, offers, paid to click, etc. Also a paid forum you can join. Anyway, it was a site that had a little of everything and I fell in love with it became addicted. Well, I ended up putting ALL of my online time into it. Either chatting, clicking, offers/surveys or referring people. I got nearly 40 referrals. I even went as far as upgrading my account. Anyway, I had my referral link as my yahoo status msg so all my stay at home moms can click on it if they wanted. My stepdad ended up doing it as well. Because I am currently separated from my husband and having to stay with my mom and stepdad at least until the the baby is born. It registered him on the same IP - which of course blocked my and his accounts. I didnt know he was going to sign up or I would have explained to him that we would have to be on a different IP. I e-mailed the admin who is normally very helpful to explain what happened. Never got a all the time I spent on this site (I stopped using ALL other sites when I found it) ..the people I referred, the money I did use for advertising it as well as the money I used to upgrade. The money I made on the site - All down the toilet! Back to the original reason for the post after my vent - does any one know of any sites that seem to be like moratraffic? It was a really good site. Thanks in advance!
1 response
@SweetTrix (1071)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Sorry to hear about that, how long ago did you try to contact the admin? If I had a lot of money in my account I would try contacting them as much as possible, lol. I don't know if there is one like Moratraffic, it seems really unique from other sites that I have seen. I know sites that you can do offers and survey sites, but none that really combined so many oppurtunities together. You can check out my blogs if you like: I hope you find something that works for you. Good Luck! :)