Must read Sci-Fic books!!!And Others!!

August 14, 2007 5:08am CST
(Any1 who likes Sci-Fic should read The Bartimaeous Trilogy is it very intteresting, and has some humor in it)I have read The Bartimaeous Trilogy and I like them, they are in sec place. Harry Potter taking first Place in my Favorite list. I have also read The Alex Rider series and I like them, and The Abhorsen Tilogy, and The Inheritage Trilogy, based on my favorite books which ones should I read? Any ideas what book I migh like? Help:) I haven't found a book that I might like and getting dessaperatedXD
3 responses
@creematee (2810)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Hi Nathan! I'm happy to see someone else has read Bartimmaeus! I'm almost done with the first book. I really enjoy that little djinni. It's too funny how much he despises being loyal to his "master"--who gets into so much trouble! I'm not sure if I find it interesting enough to continue reading the series, though. I haven't read the the alex rider books. Can you give me a bit of premise on those? They may be something fun. :) I'm glad to see you have read Eragon and Eldest. Those are two of my favorites! I wish the 3rd one would come out soon! Have you tried the Left Behind series for teens by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim F. LaHaye? It's a religious sci-fi series dealing with the end of the world. YOu may enjoy them. I like the adult version quite a bit. (I need to pick that series back up again!) That's all I can think of right now. If I run across something else you may enjoy, I'll let you know! Happy reading!
14 Aug 07
Alex Rider is a 14-15 year old spy(British Spy) it is like a young James Bond, there was a movie made from the first book called StormBreaker. I have read the Left Behind series, but the adult books, not the teens( The adult was a little boring when I was in 3 was going to stop, it went too much on a religious path, the books is religious but the first books where not as religious as the 3thr, but I read all the books. I am waiting for the last book in the Inheritage Trilogy too, a year and the last book hasn't come out yet. And Bartimaeous, is fun because of the djinni(I have never seen a book with the character thoughts at th bottom of the book, I sometimes didn't read the thought because it took me away from the story, but in the second book I got used to read the page and the notes at bottom) . He has a weak heart with Nathaniel, because it remembers him of Ptolemy(No spoilers:) The last book, Ptolemy was his master, but he die, and he had dreams of dijinni working together, he wanted to stop djinni slavery. The boy he likes to use as his form on the first book is Ptolemy)...
• Canada
14 Aug 07
I've never heard of any of the books on your favourite list (other than Harry Potter)! :D I really enjoy science fiction though, so I can tell you what I've read recently. I'm currently reading Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge. Other good books by him include A Fire on the Deep, A Deepness in the Sky, and The Peace War. After I finish this book, I plan to dive into Judas Unchained, the sequel to Peter F Hamilton's Pandora's Star. His Night's Dawn trilogy is also good reading. Anything by Iain M. Banks is also on my must-read list. If you like fantasy/historical novels, you might consider The Sarantine Mosaic books by Guy Gavriel Kay, or the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin.
14 Aug 07
Thanks, I will get those books and read them, Hopefully I will have more books to add to my favorite list from those:)I will first read the A Fire in Deep, and the Mosic books seem interesting, I have read a lot of books about Fantasy/Historical novels. One that I liked was The Will Of The Empress(by Tamora Pierce).Unfortunately I have only read that book, there are more from that series. The library doesn't have themXD And I usually don't buy books online(The Shipping and Handling cost more than the book itself, bookstores near my house don't have them either). Thaxks for the list:)
@kage2k3 (1443)
• India
14 Aug 07
I dont like books. Either its sci-fic or any other. It looks like i m alergic to books.
14 Aug 07
Why is that? Are they bored? My friends the majority don't like to read either, I tell them that a book is like a Movie. U can use your imagination to make a picture of how they might seem/be, But they never get the point of books(they prefer movies, which I prefer to read the book if there is one:).