How can you make money online without referrals?

United States
August 14, 2007 11:58am CST
I find that so many online money-making schemes are dependent upon referrals, which I don't like. Have you got a way to make money online without a referral process? There's others you can recommend to me?
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2 responses
• United States
14 Aug 07
The first month I worked on one particular GPT sight I didn't have referrals and managed to make about $300 on my own...just doing free offers and surveys. Now I have referrals and it helps...but I was able to do that without referrals (eventually the offers will run you have to refer). The sight is Squishy Cash...It is open to US and the UK...I have alot of info on my blog about it and more.
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• United States
14 Aug 07
Thanks for sharing your blog. I almost chose that very template for my own blog, so it was nice to see how it would actually look. I ended up picking another design on Blogster, but I certainly recognized yours. Wow, with triplets you must have your hands full. I plan to go back and spend some more time on your blog. I just did a quick look, but you have a nice one.
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• Canada
15 Aug 07
I have seven referals and only one of them is active. I wish the other ones would get their butts in gear. I am still doing alright though. I respond to atleast 100 discussions per day, I post a lot of photos, and I start discussions when the mood strikes me.
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