Do you like your name?

United States
August 15, 2007 10:57pm CST
My first name isn't bad but I always have to spell out my last name.It annoys me alot sometimes because to me it seems common.
1 response
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
16 Aug 07
Hi Eachen2002 Hmm, nope, I dont like my 1st name at all, nor do I like my last one, as I have to spell it most often than not, just like you. I will most surely change it if it was easy to do here, but it isn't and besides for costing a lot, they do not give permission for doing it here in The Netherlands, unless you have papers from doctors that you are deeply depressed with your name at the present, and papers from all of your family that they do not mind, and papers from here and from there, and whatnot. It is so annoying that I cannot change my 1st and last name here in Europe with the easiness that is available in US and in Canada.