@ciades (1623)
August 15, 2007 11:00pm CST
What are the reasons why some of us just fall out of love with there partners?
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10 responses
• United States
16 Aug 07
We change. They change. They hurt us. We hurt them. We get bored. They get bored. They want more/less. We want more/less.
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• Netherlands
16 Aug 07
LOL Rachelnextdoor, I liked your answer, even though short -it is so very to the point and correct :)
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@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
16 Aug 07
Hi Ciades, Well, disappointments could be one of the reasons. Not feeling loved - desired enough could be an other one. Boredom and not enough excitement could be yet an other one. There are many more however that I can't come up with at the moment.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
5 Sep 07
Familiarity breeds contempt. Lack of commitment, lack of mutual trust and understanding results in breaks away the relationship.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
6 Sep 07
yeh your right! tnx for your responsed ssh123.:)
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
well, some don't communicate anymore to each other even if they live in one roof. also the excitement is not there anymore in there life.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
yeh, your right..
• Philippines
6 Sep 07
Hi there!!! Fall out of LOVE??? Well, for me... Love is a Choice... There are many instances that strengthen or may even destroy a relationship... It is part of one's relationship... All of us may encounter the same scenario but then it depends on how you handle... Always remember that there is no perfect relationship... That's what it is... falling out of love with their partners maybe in great conflict or maybe the other don't have the feelings anymore... Just remember this sayings: ..."Truth hurts but it sets you free"...
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
6 Sep 07
Yeh your right..iT hurts but it can makes your burden lighten.:) so less or no expectations is also important.
@rexiemay (401)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
people fall out of love with their partners because they are not contented with what they have, with what is happening between their partner. actually, the love might be there but the passion is waning. there is a possibility that they are being occupied with their job or their busy schedule. but the point is, they realize that they could happy even if they dont have their partners right now.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
ow, so in other point. They prefer and decided to be single and to be alone. okiesssss..thanks and God bless!
@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
It's a sad thing, but it happens. All of us have needs and wants, and oftentimes, these are not met. Several other factors contribute to falling out of love. Sometimes, the little things put altogether have a great effect which causes one to finally say, "it's over". Still, receiving too much love to the point of suffocation can also lead to giving up on love. So, it's a tricky game. At one point, you're so sure you're in love with this guy/girl. Then after sometime, you can't be sure yourself if you were really in love with the same person then. Just a piece of advice for all who are thinking of tying the knot, you should be sure of your feelings and know that you'll still love him/her whatever happens and whatever trials you encounter along the way; and even if during these times, he/she won't love you back anymore.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
you have the point!
@jen_n514 (218)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
falling out of love for me is so painful...you need to leave your parner because you realized that you don't love him/her anymore... oh well from the start of your relationship you both have the love--no question about that! you shared alot of things together..invested alot of emotions and time..then at the end you realize that the love is gone..it's terrible but it happens in real life...so sad but it's true!
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
yeh, very very sad!...:-(
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
16 Aug 07
People grow and change. I was a teen when I met my husband. Obviously, since I will be 43 tomorrow (ohh today, it is after midnight!), I have changed. We haven't fallen out of love but we had some rocky times as we both adjusted to the changes we were going through. Sometimes we think we know and love someone and, after we get to know them more, we realize we really don't like the person they are and we don't love them after all. I don't know if boredom can make a person fall out of love. I mean you can love someone and be bored by them. But I suppose it could happen. I honestly believe that, many times when people fall out of love, they were never really in love at all. They THOUGHT they were then they realized they never were. Falling out of love is a very hard thing to do. Love is an amazingly strong emotion.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
• India
6 Sep 07
That is because you would have had high expectations on the topic and when you don't experience that elativity, then you tend to break off. You should not have high expectations on anything take it or experience as and when it happens. At this juncture you are going to enjoy the feeling of your love. Best of luck for your future love.