Vampire or Werewolf?

By Amy
Abernathy, Texas
August 15, 2007 11:01pm CST
Not exactly a Supernatural show topic but loosely related as last Thursday's rerun was about werewolves...So which would you choose to be - and why? I grew up on old vampire movies of the seventies and devoured anne rice as a teen, I even have romantic dreams of vampires. Although a few of my dreams centered around werewolves - yeah I have interesting dreams at night. Sometimes its as good as going to a movie to go to sleep! Anyway, me - I'd choose vampires.
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14 responses
• Malaysia
17 Aug 07
I'd definitely choose to be a vampire. Vampires just sound (and look) so cool, especially the "noble/upper-class vampire" sort that often appear in movies. Being a werewolf doesn't sound like much fun because they change on nights of the full moon and can't control themselves. Plus, being a half-animal doesn't sound very respectable at all. Vampires are hurt by sunlight, but I hate sunlight anyway so it wouldn't make much of a difference to me. By the way, have you played Vampire: the Masquerade?
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Aug 07
No, is it an intriguing game? Some stories of werewolves have them more as shapeshifters so they do control it. I like the idea of the shapeshifters in Thailand - panthers. Perfect mate I think!
• Abernathy, Texas
22 Oct 08
You're so funny Lecanis.
• Malaysia
17 Aug 07
Well, that game is a bit glitched, but it's still fun. You get to play as a vampire from one of several different clans, each clan has different abilities. You can look it up in the Wikipedia. I can't link to it because myLot won't let me paste anything yet. Sorry.
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@DJ9020 (1596)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I don't know - I think being a werewolf would be kind of cool. I don't think I'd like to drink blood.
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• New Zealand
16 Aug 07
It's very hard to choose. Werewolves are powerful and can turn from human to a raging beast, yet with vampires, you look human and are shadows of the night. I would probably prefer werewolf since sunlight doesn't kill them and I just love wolves and the whole change into a animal thing is kind of cool.
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• Abernathy, Texas
16 Aug 07
Werewolves are cool as well. So primal, they resonate with the wild, anima side of us.
• Malaysia
17 Aug 07
Don't werewolves bite humans? Isn't that a lot worse than drinking blood? After all, people can donate blood without any side-effects worse than feeling a bit woozy, but losing a chunk of flesh would definitely hurt a lot.
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• United States
16 Aug 07
I'd definitely choose vampire. I'm similarly obsessed with vampires, and have even considered going back to school so I can study Victorian era vampire stories in great depth. Werewolves are cool some of the time, but I'm pretty sure vampires are cool all of the time. :)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Aug 07
That would be a cool thing to study - and perhaps do your own research on for a documentary or novel, or vampires for dummies book. Have you created any vampire inspired crafts?
• United States
22 Aug 07
I think being a vampire would definitely better! Not only are they very attractive and mysterious, they have more control over what they do. Werewolves usually are depicted as losing control when they transform and sometimes have no memory of their time as a werewolf. It doesn't seem like it would be very fun, and kind if frustrating if you can't even remember what you were doing. Also, vampires can live forever and change whoever they want into a vampire. Werewolves would be much easier to kill, I think, plus they aren't immortal and they bite people at random.
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• Abernathy, Texas
22 Aug 07
Unless the story is about a shapeshifter, they do seem t be depicted as losing control, good point. I do aprreciate your answer, and I too would choose vampire.
• United States
21 Aug 07
It's a tough choice, but I would probably choose vampire if for no other reason than the fact that they're undead. I would find it extremely fascinating to see how technology and society evolves over the next hundreds or thousands of years. :-) Then again, I'm the kind of bloke that's interested in sociology & psychology. I was a fan of werewolves as a kid, though. I loved American Werewolf In London (the old, original flick), the Howling movies, "Silver Bullet", and so on. There would be a great many perks to being a werewolf, too, despite the fact that they age & eventually die. Anyway, sucking blood would be a lot easier than tearing a chunk out of someone's side and munching on it. -Steph
• United States
2 Sep 07
I would'nt choose to be either, but I'd have to say I'm more of a fan of vampires than werewolves. I've always been fascinated with vampires, and am a big fan of the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Though that show has werewolves on it has well.
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• Abernathy, Texas
27 Sep 07
I've always been fascinated with vampires as well, and often have had intrigueing dreams through the years. I love going to sleep! When I was really young there would be those who would say they hate going to sleep - they might miss something - I didn't miss anything - my imagination gave me many adventures.
@balasri (26537)
• India
7 Oct 07
I want to be a vampire.They always get cute ladies to bite.LOL.
@miryam (6505)
• Italy
25 Sep 07
vampire too i love vampire and i'm a simile of that i love dark, nicht no light.......... i'm like that legend... myryam.............
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 Sep 07
It's hard for me to make a choice here. I have known way too many people who actually claimed to be either a vampire or some form of shapeshifter (though not always werewolves) so the personalities of those people influences me. The other main thing that influences me is having playing too many roleplaying games. In the "White Wolf" world, werewolves are seen as being very involved with nature and the spirits, which appeals to me a lot. However, since my own heritage includes people who have been accused of being vampires (mainly because we do tend to have a sensitivity to light, and I have it as well to some extent) I suppose I'll have to be loyal and say I'll be a vampire.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 Sep 07
It wasn't that you said you would be a werewolf that surprised me... I figured that. However, I was thinking of it in terms of being part animal, and that made sense to me considering your love of nature. It was the "tortured soul" part that caught me off guard. I get so caught up in your kindness and the "balance" that you seem to show the world that sometimes I forget you are a tortured soul.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 Sep 07
Ah, of course. I could see how too much kindness could go in with soul torturing. In fact, I think I might suffer from some of that same thing. Of course, since I read Anne Rice, I've read about some pretty soul-torturing vampires too. Her character Louis is one of the most melodramatic, pathetic, tortured beings I think I've ever encountered in a book. Of course, there are many ways this whole vampire/werewolf thing could be taken, and my mind is going down all the wrong paths right now. Too many Anne Rice books and bad werewolf movies. *snickers*
• United States
16 Aug 07
no question about it, i would choose vampire. imagine watching the ages pass and the whole thing about not being to go out in the sunlight is just a bonus for me..i burn to damn easily anyways lol! plus being able to mesmerize and terrorize humans..that would be great lol! i wouldnt want to have to deal with the whole "change" of turning furry if i was a werewolf. messy business id think.
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• Abernathy, Texas
17 Aug 07
Yes, the immortalty thing draws me too. I tend to be a night owl. I'm not fond of the daytime in this desert.
• Romania
4 Oct 07
Defenetly I would like to be a vampire. Even I was sorounded by movies with vampires.Vampires are perfect and they heal fast, not to mention that they are very strong and the're charmed. And they like blood too, I like the taste of blood too :P. Werewolfs are cool but hairy, wild, depending on the moon and having no control on yourself is not what i like. But if you are interesed in meeting some vampires than come to my land, where i live the legends of vampires and Count Dracula are borned.
• Romania
4 Oct 07
Forgot to say that immortality of the vampire is attracting me and i love the night air. I love the night.
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• Abernathy, Texas
7 Oct 07
Me too. You must be from Romania. I have a tiny bit of Romanian blood. You explain yourself well. I have to agree with just about all of your points.
• Abernathy, Texas
7 Oct 07
Interesting that your screenname is sunchild2000.
@tujiagirl (368)
• China
28 Sep 07
I prefer vampire than werewolf. There are more romance about vampire than werewolf. Maybe that's why i like them. Many vampires in movies are beautiful than werewolves. Heheh.
@gameon1 (22)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 07
Me...I like more 2 warewolf cause it can be someone in the night n on the full moon it became warewolf...Vampire it sleep on the day and it dangerous for them...I guess no matter what both of them have great power more than human..
• China
5 Jan 08
Vampire for me without a doubt. Being a huge fan of Anne Rice, I'm always enchanted by the dark, beautiful, elegant creature of the night.