I really, really, really, really , really love cats!

uhhmmm! tasty! - sgrhuhg hrd h=[ drih dszhgz[df
August 17, 2007 3:19pm CST
Especially on a slice of toast with cheese on top and popped under a medium grill for 10 minutes. how do you love your cats?
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9 responses
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
17 Aug 07
Well that took me by surprise. LOL. Remind me not to accept any dinner invites from you. LOL. Cute photo of the kitty by the way. I am partial to calico kitties but not to eat them. Just to love, cuddle, and play with them. Nice trick and joke.
17 Aug 07
i really do love cats, but not on toast. wait till my uncle Kwan from Korea comes to dinner! He called my sister a dog and she ran away screaming thinking she was going on the barbi!
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@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
17 Aug 07
Haha that was not really what I expected to read when I saw your post. No I have never eaten cat and am not intending to LOL!
1 person likes this
17 Aug 07
sorry, that was a bit naughty of me!
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
17 Aug 07
When my two cats are being completely and totally obnoxious, my husband threatens them with the "barbeque spit" and since I don't like my meat "pink"; I woould have to say "well done".
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
18 Aug 07
Cats are great in many ways, way too many to mention...They are a quick and easy meal if zapped in the microwave, or lovely roasted..But other than that they can be very helpful around the house as dusters, slippers, mops and door stops..
15 Dec 07
fab for keeping your feet warm!
• United States
17 Aug 07
Never actually eaten cat to my knowledge, I hope never to try it either, but I like cats wild and crazy...and breathing. :)
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Feb 09
On my lap purring. Go eat somebody elses cats!
10 Feb 09
you have a p%ssy on your lap? so do i!
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Feb 09
just the permanent one.... the other 4 are at home and I am at work. lol
@JUNGLE (1157)
• South Africa
29 Aug 07
Cool,but with a hot dog on the side.!!!!
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
17 Aug 07
Considering how much the cat food, toys and vet bills have racked up over the years, if I ever ate one of my cats it would be the most expensive meal I ever eaten. I used to threaten the one with that fate, but he just generally ignored the threat--he knew I wouldn't actually do it. I think it would upset my patron goddess (Bast) if I ever gave it any serious consideration. So eating cat is off-limits to me. Dog on the other hand...just kidding.
• United States
9 Nov 08
I recently read a quote, Though I don't remeber who said it, That "Women and cats will do whatever they want. Men and dogs should just relax and accept it." I like your recipe. Grilled cheese kitty.