How do you get your child to pick up their toys?

@jlcp25 (45)
United States
August 18, 2007 4:52pm CST
My daughter is 3 years old and I can never get her to pick up her toys. She will look at me and say "no, you do it" or "I don't want to" or just "no". I have tried to make a game out of it or threaten to throw things in the garbage, but she will tell me to throw them away. lol. Any suggestions?
3 responses
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
18 Aug 07
If I told my son that I was going to take his toys away if he didn't pick them up, I would take them away if he didn't help. My son is only 18 months old, so he is still very eager to do anything to please me so I don't have any problems getting him to pick stuff up. We make into a game and he gets rewarded if he picks them up without me having to ask him (small rewards like an extra story at bedtime). He knows I mean business when I ask him to do something, though, too. The one thing that he hates putting away is crayons and papers. He will try to sneak one of his crayons and hide it so he can play with it later. I tell him that if I find it and it isn't put away, I will throw it away. I let him watch me throw two crayons away, and he has stopped hiding them. He knows the consequences, so he doesn't do it. If you tried actually getting rid of your daughter's toys, it would probably help. If you don't want to actually throw them away, just take them and put them in a trash bag and then hide them in your room or somewhere else that she can't find them.
@taylorblue (1286)
• Canada
18 Aug 07
I got my son to do it by saying I would give him a penny everytime he did what I asked him too. He really likes that and is now eager to help!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Aug 07
Throw them away. Throw them in the garbage and take it to the curb. When she has but one toy left she will start to pick it up!