Why evil exist?

August 19, 2007 3:17pm CST
If God love us why evil exist?I try to thing about tha for a while but lack a good answer,so would you tell me if you feel,know any matter concern the existence of evil.
2 responses
• Malaysia
19 Aug 07
Evil exist for testing our love to god. To test for our degrees of love to god. If we don't bother about evil, evil will don't bother about us. So don't think about evil. Think about ourself. How to make good things in our live and never go for bad things.
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I believe that all goes back to the Adam and Eve days, God told them they could have whatever they want and live in paradise as long as they didn't eat from the apple tree. Eve tricked Adam into eating from it and they were thrown from the garden. In the Bible I believe it says that's why bad things happen and God tests us on a daily basis. I personally don't really know why evil exists, some has to do with the values and ethics because are brought up with. If you don't grow up learning to care about other people, it won't mean anything for you to kill or harm someone.