Do you ever fast for any reason?

@eshaan (6188)
August 20, 2007 10:10pm CST
There is a craze for slim and trim figure nowadays.Girls are fasting to get in shape.Some people fast for religious purposes, and some to show that they are angry with their family do you fast for any reason?
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12 responses
@touchnshine (2821)
• India
27 Aug 07
Well I used to fast earlier but now I don't do any kind of fasting. I really don't know why I am changed like this but yes I am changed .. I believe that one should take their required food daily and should not skip anything just for the sake of fast. We can pray to God .. but God will never say that go for fast to please me. I always keep on changing.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
27 Aug 07
Ya, friend after fasting a lot i have also realised that it just deteriorates your health and u can please god the other way too.
• India
29 Aug 07
Yes there are so many other ways to please God .. we can go for charity, etc.
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
21 Aug 07
I do not conform with fasting. The Israelites in the Old Testament fast but that does not show or prove anything or remorse for sins committed. As for those who would like to trim down, I think they should just control eating much but not necessarily fasting. I do not also agree in fasting to show anger to anybody.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
21 Aug 07
So, no fasting for any purpose!
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
21 Aug 07
Yes, when I overeat at special functions and parties, next day I try to fast and stay on liquid diet and it does a lot good to churnout the unwanted. Thanks. have a nice day.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
21 Aug 07
Ya, its a good way to maintain balance.
@JUNGLE (1157)
• South Africa
24 Aug 07
I am a christian and christians have the habit of fasting.I dont fast because there is no need to.
• United States
25 Aug 07
There has been times in my life I have not been able to eat anything for a few days because of depression. I have not been able to past two days. I have also fasted for medical procedures. I have never fasted for religious reasons.
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
27 Aug 07
Fasting does not give anybody shape, its just a misconception that most people have, it just kills one's muscle mass ultimately when your body runs short of energy. It does help one lose weight, but not in a healthy pattern. Instead of losing fats, one will end up sacrificing their muscle tissue without knowledge in fasting. The best thing to lose fats would be running on the thread mill everyday, without making oneself completely exhausted so as to become caducous in maintaining consistency throughout the weight losing program. As for me, no fasting at all, infact, i eat more than what is sufficient. As long as i'm being in the normal weight range, no worries at all.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
22 Aug 07
The specialist doctors (ulcer specialist) say that if you do not eat, the stomach will eat you!! That means those who starve frequently are inviting ulcer!!
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
23 Aug 07
I never fast for religious, slimming, breaking of relationship or on diet for certain purposes. I only fast ten hours before having a medical check up or blood test. Earlier I used to have my blood tested for cholesterol and sugar so I had to fast for the test once a year. Nowadays I take the test less often most probably once a couple of years. So I ought to fast accordingly.
@abroji (3247)
• India
23 Aug 07
I have avoided eating for a day during several occasions due to different reasons. I am sorry, I cannot disclose the reasons here because of personal matters. However it feels nice after fasting for a day. Have you ever tried it?
• India
21 Aug 07
hello eshaan ya i do fast.but its not for getting a good figure as i have it already nor do i do it to show that i am angry on anybody.i do it for religious purposes.usually i fast on all mondays that is once a week.its not complete fasting as i take fruits and juices.but when its some religious ceremony or festival then i do complete fasting. and i have heard that sometimes fasting is good for health.and i think that way i am quite healthy as i enjoy a good figure also.
@vinzen (1020)
• India
21 Aug 07
Hi, no i dont fast , just one fast that i keep for my husbands long life and well being., that too because i want to keep it. Not that i believe much in it , its just a feeling i have to keep it. Otherwise i dont belive in fasting and why these girls feel that they can reduce and have good figures this way, i wonder, as they would be harming themselevs on the long run, when its always better to eat healthy and regularly and to exercise alongside with it. I understand the religious part of keeping fasts, as in India this is very prevalent and each person to their own religion and beliefs but for me, its a no no as if things were to get better with fasting, we would all be fasting .Yes, when i do get angry, which is rare, at times i may skip a meal, and wont call it fasting, its just coz i dont feel like eating anyting coz of being upset.
• Indonesia
22 Aug 07
i fast every monday and thursday, i do it routinely now. i do it for my health and to detox my body. i also useful for balancing myself. because, when i'm fasting, i learn how to control myself, how to restrain my needs. i also do it before the easter coming. it's fun to fasting with the whole family. but, yes, i also do it whenever i feel my weight is above the average. hey, it's a normal thing to do if you're a girl. and i'm not aiming being skinny or something. in this case, i normally do fasting to maintain my body mass index saying 'normal'.