Say NO to drinking while driving! NO DUI..

@claire03 (1443)
United States
August 24, 2007 9:50pm CST
Do you know that a lot of people get caught drinking while driving? it's called DUI(driving under the influence) here in the US. I don't think that it's good to drive when you already drink alcohol. it is one reason why we get into accident and is proven to have effect on our driving like on our concentration, reflex and ability to make good judgement on the road. it is not advisable to drive while you are under the influence of alcohol, that is also a law here in the US, you'll get fine and might go to jail if you cause accident to other people or cause injury or just endangering other people's life thats why i say NO to drinking while driving! Let us be more responsible and more concern about our life and other people's lives as well. Have you been arrested for DUI? Or do you agree that drinking while driving is not good at all? share your opinions.
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1 response
@lburns70 (182)
• United States
25 Aug 07
I agree completely! I wish that people would realize how impaied their senses are when they have had even one drink. Many many years ago I was young and drove drunk and when I got home I didnt know how that I got there. It scared me sooooo bad that I NEVER did it again. It got to the point that I was always the designated driver. I learned real quick that at many bars I could get free pop when I told them that I was the DD. I know that they have the movies out there but everuone should have to see them. Then it would raise awareness.